Closed Bug 126361 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

mozilla startup slow, hogs processor, runs 'md5sum'


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: vulpine, Assigned: asa)


(Keywords: perf)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204 BuildID: 2002020415 Prior to my last Mozilla upgrade, Mozilla startup quickly and efficiently. Now, whenever I start mozilla, it spawns a process called 'md5sum.' This will run for a few minutes, during which my processor load will climb from 0.25 (or so) to over 1.0. Eventually, this process stops running and mozilla-bin actually runs. At this point, Mozilla starts and operates normally. This may not even be a bug in mozilla -- I guess something could be broken on my system, but I am at a loss to explain this behavior. If you can shed any light on this I would appreciate it. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Run mozilla. 2. Wait for md5sum to run. 3. Mozilla starts. Actual Results: Load climbed from about .30 to as high as .75. md5sum ran for approximately 2 minutes before mozilla-bin appeared on top. Expected Results: Mozilla should startup much quicker. I am running Redhad 7.1, although many libraries have been upgraded to Redhat 7.2 libs. FWIW, I run blackbox as my desktop.
I have the same problem. I think I heard on IRC that it's md5summing it's chrome.
It looks like it's fixed in 0.9.9.
reporter, can you get 0.9.9 and try again?
Reporter: Please reopen if this still occurs with a recent nightly, available at: Thanks
Closed: 23 years ago
Keywords: perf
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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