Closed Bug 126814 Opened 23 years ago Closed 11 years ago

full-screen mode in new window displays title bar of background application's window


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: pete, Unassigned)


From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.8+) Gecko/20020220 BuildID: 2002022003 a second browser window opened in full-screen mode has the title bar of an application running in the background remaining visible above Mozilla's title bar Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. either in Classic or Modern skin, with an existing window in full-screen mode, create a new window (not tab) 2. put that window into full-screen mode Actual Results: an impression of the title bar of the window that was behind the browser window remains above the uppermost Mozilla bar, even if that prior applciations' window wasn't maximised. the minimise, restore and close buttons of the background application are inoperable Expected Results: full-screen mode should be full screen, rather than showing another applications' title bar aswell if the first window is not in full-screen mode when the second window is created, everything works fine.
-> hewitt
Assignee: jaggernaut → hewitt
Is this because the second window is already sized to the screen when it's created (that being a separately reported bug), thus confusing the hell out of Mozilla?
Ever confirmed: true
What happens is that when Mozilla enters full-screen mode it turns off the OS chrome and resizes the window. However in the case that the window was already the exact screen size this fails to reset the window styles, resulting in the odd behaviour described. You need to call SetWindowPos with the SWP_FRAMECHANGED flag to fix this.
Assignee: hewitt → nobody
QA Contact: jrgmorrison → xptoolkit.widgets
I don't think this bug is still valid. For what is worth is WFM using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:2.0b2pre) Gecko/20100716 Minefield/4.0b2pre.
(In reply to RNicoletto from comment #4) > I don't think this bug is still valid. > > For what is worth is WFM using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; > rv:2.0b2pre) Gecko/20100716 Minefield/4.0b2pre. agree
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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