Closed Bug 1279646 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[L10n]: Rapid response advocacy campaign in the EU


(Snippets :: Campaign, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: CocoMo, Assigned: CocoMo, NeedInfo)


Due Date: June 13, 2016 Desktop Snippets Locales: bg, de, en-GB, es-ES, fr, it, ro, sl Reference site: 1). Your voice can protect a free and open Internet in the EU! Go to now to send your national regulator and BEREC a message: Tell them to protect net neutrality. 2). Think user choice is important? So does Mozilla. Regulators in the EU are currently deciding how net neutrality laws should be implemented. Will you go to and send a message in support of net neutrality? 3). Time is running out to help protect the free and open internet in the EU! Have your say on how the EU’s new net neutrality rules should be implemented. Take action at now and contact regulators before the July 18 deadline.
Am I reading correctly that all our P1 locales are completed (DE, FR, ES-ES, EN-GB) are completed? I copied Jean Collings on the bug so she can access the strings to input into snippet service. Jean do you have what you need for the P1 snippets?
Flags: needinfo?(jcollings)
Andrea, I am making connecting flight to LHR, so a quick note before the plane takes off. According to this:, en-GB is the only one that has not been modified (or confirmed good as is), but the other ones are done.
The Net Neutrality EU campaign is live in the snippet! Currently the campaign is promoted in ES, DE, EN, FR! Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who helped :D
Hi Andrea, Do you still want to keep this bug open? If there is nothing else needed, let's close it. Thanks, Peiying
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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