Closed Bug 1285562 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[fy-NL] Remove suite from hg, as it's not maintained


(Mozilla Localizations :: fy-NL / Frisian, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Pike, Assigned: flod)


Wim and I talked about how the seamonkey part of fy-NL isn't maintained, and it's distracting in consistency views on transvision. Probably also suggesting outdated translations if you use translation memory from transvision, at least on some end-points. I think the best way to fix this is to just hg rm -r suite and now I'm filing a bug to track that. Wim, I'm happy to land that for you, if that helps, and if you agree that this is the right way forward. Your email sounded a bit like you might have expected the removal to somewhere else ;-)
Hi Axel, sorry for not having responded earlier, I guess I missed your question. Please feel free to remove suite from the repo.
Hi Axel, me again. Since working on Pontoon, I think I might be able to maintain Seamonkey after all. I requested the project to be added to Pontoon and will check later on if the workload is doable. So please hold Frisian Seamonkey a little longer...
I don't see SeaMonkey on Pontoon. What's the status of this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(fryskefirefox)
After all the repository for SeaMonkey for fy-NL can be removed. Indeed it is not on Pontoon, it now only shows up in Transvision, because the repository exists. I don't think work will be done on SeaMonkey in the near future.
Flags: needinfo?(fryskefirefox)
Thanks Wim, I'm going to remove it from hg and use this bug as reference
Assignee: fryskefirefox → francesco.lodolo
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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