Closed Bug 128684 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Quick Launch initialisation opens window each time


(Core Graveyard :: QuickLaunch (AKA turbo mode), defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gavin.lawrie, Assigned: law)


From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:0.9.8+) Gecko/20020219 BuildID: 2002021903 Have Quick Launch enabled on my XP Professional (corporate) edition. When XP starts (i.e. desktop appears) a window appears top left of screen with no content. Closing window creates the standard Quick Launch helper screen (with 'don't show again' clicker) - closing this makes Quick Launch icon appear in status area (bottom right). Trouble is this happens (almost) every time XP starts (whatever status of 'don't show again' clicker). Not sure why doesn't happen every time, or if this is a user problem rather than Mozilla. We currently only have one XP computer, so might be quirk we have introduced, but doesn't happen on W2K professional or server machines on same network. Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: 1. Clean build of XP Pro 2. Install 0.98 Mozilla and shut down 3. Start Computer and log in as a user Actual Results: empty window appears top left of screen closing window throws up quick launch helper screen closing helper screen causes Quick Launch icon to appear in status area. Expected Results: Quicklaunch should start up in background with no windows showing, and no helper if previous launch has resulted in 'don't show again' clicker being ticked.
Reporter: Please upgrade to Mozilla 0.9.9 and please uninstall mozilla before you install the new version (you will not loose your profile data). If you still see this, try a new profile. (run "mozilla -profilemanager" and create an additional test profile)
Reinstalled 0.99 (build 2002031104) on clean install of Windows XP Pro and get same result.
I'm seeing the same problem, with the added condition that after closing this non-functional window, and choosing any option from right-clicking the Mozilla system tray icon, Mozilla crashes (see Talkback incident TB5643793H). I'm running RC1.0 on Win98SE after doing a clean reinstall. I believe this should be changed to Major.
OK, after several thousand reloads and reboots I seem to have found a source for this problem. This first showed up for me around 0.98, and persisted through to 1.1a, including Netscape PR7. I had done clean installs each time, and built new profiles many times, yet upon bootup would eventually find a small empty window in the upper left hand corner of the screen (although starting from 1.1a I would no longer get a crash upon closing this window). I narrowed down the problem to the existence of a Netscape\MozillaTrunk directory under components, with in this directory. If I deleted the tree (starting with Netscape), I wouldn't get the small window at my next boot. However, the tree would get rebuilt, and upon rebooting again the small window had reappeared. A bit more sleuthing suggested this tree is part of the FullCircle talkbalk software; reloading Mozilla 1.1a without the Quality Feedback Agent eliminated this problem. I don't know why I'm seeing this problem while others apparently aren't, but hopefully this clue will help.
Well, I was mistaken. The phantom window is back, even without the Quality Feedback Agent installed. I can make it go away on my next boot by deleting component.reg, but on the following boot it reappears. I'm about out of ideas on debugging this one. Note that just starting Mozilla with the -turbo option doesn't do it - it's got to be after a reboot. If I fully exit Mozilla after its initial load, then restart it with -turbo (as it's being started from the registry at boot time) the phantom window doesn't appear.
Reporter and others, Will you try on more recent nightlies and see if this recurs for you? I cannot reproduce here.
this works for me on recent builds please reopen if it recurs on newer builds
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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