Closed Bug 1287667 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Investigation of nsHandlerService API improvement: off the main thread


(Firefox :: File Handling, defect, P2)






(Reporter: wiwang, Assigned: edenchuang)



(Whiteboard: [CHE-MVP])

To improve the performance of nsHandlerService API, we need to identify the pros and effort of re-implementing the API to make it off the main thread.
This bug is for investigation only and will be resolved after the conclusion reached. If the conclusion support us to implement, another bug will be filed.
Assignee: nobody → wiwang
Whiteboard: [CHE-MVP]
I expect that if we can have an asynchronous API, which will be revealed by the investigation in bug 1287673, we will be able to use OS.File to read the JSON file, without the synchronous nsIFile fallback we had to implement in the JSON store for logins.
As I talked with Will, we will do the related research this quarter. Therefore, set priority to P2.
Priority: -- → P2
Assignee: wiwang → echuang
According to the study result of bug 1287673, some API are suggested to implement with asynchronous JSON backed store. And according to Paolo's suggestion, these JSON backed store API can be considered off main thread implementation with OS.File. The study is completed, set the bug as completed. The implementation will be tracked on bug 1287658.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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