Closed Bug 1307354 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Crash [@ js::TraceLoggerEvent::TraceLoggerEvent]


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox50 --- affected
firefox51 --- affected
firefox52 --- fixed


(Reporter: gkw, Assigned: h4writer)



(Keywords: bugmon, crash, testcase, Whiteboard: [jsbugmon:update])

Crash Data


(2 files, 2 obsolete files)

The following testcase crashes on mozilla-central revision 955840bfd3c2 (build with --enable-debug --enable-more-deterministic, run with --fuzzing-safe --no-threads --no-baseline --no-ion): function h1(f) { for (var j = 0; j < 99; ++j) { try { f(); } catch (e) { "" + e; } } } function m(x) { Function(x)() } m("\ function g1() {\ du.setupTraceLoggerScriptCalls();\ du.startTraceLogger();\ }\ function g2() {\ g1();\ }\ var du = Debugger();\ g2();\ "); m("\ h1(function() {});\ function h2() {\ return function ()(\ function h3() {\ h3();\ }()\ );\ }\ h1(h2());\ ") Backtrace: 0 js-dbg-64-dm-clang-darwin-955840bfd3c2 0x000000010852f33c js::TraceLoggerEvent::TraceLoggerEvent(js::TraceLoggerThread*, TraceLoggerTextId, JSScript*) + 76 (TraceLogging.h:150) 1 js-dbg-64-dm-clang-darwin-955840bfd3c2 0x0000000108bfad49 Interpret(JSContext*, js::RunState&) + 34921 (Interpreter.cpp:2989) 2 js-dbg-64-dm-clang-darwin-955840bfd3c2 0x0000000108bf22e4 js::RunScript(JSContext*, js::RunState&) + 452 (Interpreter.cpp:404) 3 js-dbg-64-dm-clang-darwin-955840bfd3c2 0x0000000108c0507f js::ExecuteKernel(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSScript*>, JSObject&, JS::Value const&, js::AbstractFramePtr, JS::Value*) + 511 (Interpreter.cpp:685) /snip For detailed crash information, see attachment.
autoBisect shows this is probably related to the following changeset: The first bad revision is: changeset: user: Hannes Verschore date: Tue Jun 21 13:52:11 2016 +0200 summary: Bug 1280648 - Tracelogger: Don't cache based on pointers to movable gc things, r=bbouvier Hannes, is bug 1280648 a likely regressor? Note that this may take 10-15 seconds to crash. Also, it would be good to backport this at least to mozilla-aurora, because it is hard to get a reliable testcase.
Blocks: 1280648
Flags: needinfo?(hv1989)
Attached patch Patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This fixes the issue. The AutoTraceLog could overflow the memory and as a result we would check every Payload and remove if the "use count" was 0. Since we just created it, it is still zero. We only increase it in the caller. Fix is to temporarily set it to 0. Making sure we survive the AutoTraceLog and set it to 0, just before returning.
Assignee: nobody → hv1989
Flags: needinfo?(hv1989)
Attachment #8802898 - Flags: review?(bbouvier)
Comment on attachment 8802898 [details] [diff] [review] Patch Review of attachment 8802898 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, cancelling review: I'd like to see a simpler (if possible) test case triggering this, included in the patch. I don't understand the initial issue (this AutoTraceLog uses the uint32_t ctor, not the Event ctor, so there's no use count involved here?), so I don't understand the fix either. The usage of ScopeExit could probably be made simpler. ::: js/src/vm/TraceLogging.cpp @@ +384,5 @@ > return nullptr; > } > > + // Temporarily mark the payload as used. To make sure it doesn't get GC'ed. > + payload->use(); I think this needs its own ScopeExit with a payload->release() (if one of the functions are failing too in the meanwhile, like the call to pointerMap.add) @@ +396,5 @@ > return nullptr; > > + // Emit the end of the internal time and remove the temporary mark. > + guardInternalStopEvent.release(); > + stopEvent(TraceLogger_Internal); The comment at the top of MakeScopeExit seems to say that the functor is called at the end of scope anyways; in this case, we could just remove the last two lines, right? @@ +477,5 @@ > > + // Emit the end of the internal time and remove the temporary mark. > + guardInternalStopEvent.release(); > + stopEvent(TraceLogger_Internal); > + payload->release(); Same comments apply.
Attachment #8802898 - Flags: review?(bbouvier)
Attached patch Patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
After discussion on irc we think this is better? Like said on IRC adding a testcase will be hard, since it needs to be timed and consume the whole buffer.
Attachment #8803311 - Flags: review?(bbouvier)
Attached patch PatchSplinter Review
With better hgrc to include more context
Attachment #8802898 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8803311 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8803311 - Flags: review?(bbouvier)
Attachment #8803312 - Flags: review?(bbouvier)
Comment on attachment 8803312 [details] [diff] [review] Patch Review of attachment 8803312 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: js/src/vm/TraceLogging.cpp @@ +383,5 @@ > return nullptr; > } > > if (!textIdPayloads.putNew(textId, payload)) { > js_delete(payload); add payload = nullptr;
Comment on attachment 8803312 [details] [diff] [review] Patch Review of attachment 8803312 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the explanation on IRC (and for including more context in your patches). ::: js/src/vm/TraceLogging.cpp @@ +383,5 @@ > return nullptr; > } > > if (!textIdPayloads.putNew(textId, payload)) { > js_delete(payload); Alternatively: in the guard, if (payload && payload->uses()) This way, you could even use a UniquePtr<TraceLoggerEventPayload> and remove these ugly calls to js_delete ;)
Attachment #8803312 - Flags: review?(bbouvier) → review+
Pushed by TraceLogging - Make sure the payload is marked as used during creation, r=bbouvier
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla52
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