Bug 1309550
Opened 8 years ago
Closed 5 years ago
Clean up telemetry wiki
(Data Platform and Tools :: Documentation and Knowledge Repo (RTMO), defect, P4)
Data Platform and Tools
Documentation and Knowledge Repo (RTMO)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: rvitillo, Unassigned)
User Story
The main telemetry landing page in the wiki [1] is in a bad shape. New and outdated information is mixed up and it looks like a dumping ground for links. We should clean it up. [1]
No description provided.
Updated•8 years ago
Points: --- → 1
Priority: -- → P2
Updated•8 years ago
Assignee: nobody → rharter
Updated•8 years ago
Priority: P2 → P1
Comment 1•8 years ago
Here's a revised version that's much more readable and focused [0].
I still need to revise the "bugzilla components" and "getting help" sections. Any suggestions on what components new bugs should be filed against?
Flags: needinfo?(rvitillo)
Comment 2•8 years ago
I think the currently Telemetry page is used for different aspects.
One of them is "working with Telemetry", which this looks nice and clean for - although it looses quite a few detail links that we don't have collected anywhere else?
Experiments are a bigger topic and maybe better in a separate section.
We now have Telemetry Experiments, Shield & Test Pilot.
Other aspects are providing a project description, detail links, status information, team & role overview, ...
Maybe we should just break the page up into more focused pages for the different aspects, leaving the "Telemetry" page as a landing and project overview page?
Reporter | ||
Comment 3•8 years ago
(In reply to Ryan Harter [:harter] from comment #1)
> Here's a revised version that's much more readable and focused [0].
> I still need to revise the "bugzilla components" and "getting help"
> sections. Any suggestions on what components new bugs should be filed
> against?
Cloud Services - Metrics: Pipeline (e.g. spark, presto, hindsight, airflow)
Cloud Serivces - Metrics: Data Tools (redash & distribution viewer for onw)
Cloud Services - Metrics: Dashboards (tmo and any other non redash dashboard)
Toolkit - Telemetry (client side telemetry)
Flags: needinfo?(rvitillo)
Comment 4•8 years ago
(In reply to Georg Fritzsche [:gfritzsche] from comment #2)
> Other aspects are providing a project description, detail links, status
> information, team & role overview, ...
> Maybe we should just break the page up into more focused pages for the
> different aspects, leaving the "Telemetry" page as a landing and project
> overview page?
This sounds like a good idea to me.
How does this example structure look to you?:
# Project Description
# Filing Bugs / Status
# Documentation Links
* Working with Telemetry Data
* Telemetry Experiments
* Getting Help
* Supplementary links (repository of possibly relevant links for reference)
> I think the currently Telemetry page is used for different aspects.
> One of them is "working with Telemetry", which this looks nice and clean for
> - although it looses quite a few detail links that we don't have collected
> anywhere else?
I agree, the information loss is a problem. I think keeping a page of
reference links will make sure we don't lose any information without
interfering with the readability.
> Experiments are a bigger topic and maybe better in a separate section.
> We now have Telemetry Experiments, Shield & Test Pilot.
I agree, this should be its own section.
Flags: needinfo?(gfritzsche)
Comment 5•8 years ago
(In reply to Ryan Harter [:harter] from comment #4)
> (In reply to Georg Fritzsche [:gfritzsche] from comment #2)
> > Other aspects are providing a project description, detail links, status
> > information, team & role overview, ...
> >
> > Maybe we should just break the page up into more focused pages for the
> > different aspects, leaving the "Telemetry" page as a landing and project
> > overview page?
> This sounds like a good idea to me.
> How does this example structure look to you?:
> # Project Description
> # Filing Bugs / Status
> # Documentation Links
> * Working with Telemetry Data
> * Telemetry Experiments
> * Getting Help
> * Supplementary links (repository of possibly relevant links for reference)
This looks like a great breakdown.
We should probably keep (and update) the separate #People section, covering the official roles (PM, leads, ...)?
What about a #Projects section, listing subprojects? Or maybe thats better for a separate page linked in the project description?
For "Working with the Telemetry Pipeline", client-side we also have scalars now:
We need to clean up the "adding a new probe" page soon, e.g. converting it to a guide in choosing between the client data collection possibilities.
> > I think the currently Telemetry page is used for different aspects.
> > One of them is "working with Telemetry", which this looks nice and clean for
> > - although it looses quite a few detail links that we don't have collected
> > anywhere else?
> I agree, the information loss is a problem. I think keeping a page of
> reference links will make sure we don't lose any information without
> interfering with the readability.
Right, that would be a safe start.
Katie & Thomas, do you have specific needs/expectations for this page?
Flags: needinfo?(thuelbert)
Flags: needinfo?(kparlante)
Flags: needinfo?(gfritzsche)
Comment 6•8 years ago
The proposed changes look good to me. My one suggestion would be to call out "Adding new client side telemetry" as a heading under "Documentation Links". Adding a new probe or a new custom ping is where a lot of people start their interaction with telemetry.
Flags: needinfo?(kparlante)
Updated•8 years ago
Priority: P1 → P2
Updated•8 years ago
Component: Metrics: Pipeline → Documentation and Knowledge Repo (RTMO)
Product: Cloud Services → Data Platform and Tools
Updated•8 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(thuelbert)
Updated•7 years ago
Priority: P2 → P4
Comment 7•7 years ago
I am currently looking for bugs to fix as part of my Open Source Development module at Coventry University and I am interested in developing this bug.
Please could you assign this task to me and give me more information.
This is my first bug fix and any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Comment 8•7 years ago
Hey Rayann,
Thanks for your interest! This bug requires a lot of internal context, so it's probably not a great place to start. If you're interested in contributing, this issue [1] would be a great place to start! Feel free to ping me in #datapipeline or shoot me an email if you'd like to discuss more!
Comment 10•7 years ago
The scope of this bug seems a bit larger. It is probably more feasible to me to break out moving the "adding a new probe page" in a separate bug.
I opened bug 1425140 for this.
Assignee: gfritzsche → nobody
Depends on: 1425140
Comment 11•5 years ago
I think the context around this has changed a bunch, and the page was even more stale than it was when the bug was filed. I changed the page into more-or-less a stub a few weeks ago, with links out to the actual data documentation and the Firefox source docs.
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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