Open Bug 1319384 Opened 8 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Setting a new animation whose from value does not equal to the base value triggers a new transition


(Core :: DOM: Animation, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox50 --- affected
firefox51 --- affected
firefox52 --- affected
firefox53 --- affected


(Reporter: hiro, Unassigned)




(2 files)

Attached file A test case
Attaching test has a 0.3s opacity animation and a 1s background-color transition. If transition-property is all, the opacity does not get back to the initial value while running the background-color transition. If transition-property is background-color, this bug does not appear at all. Though the opacity value persists after the transition finished, but it will be fixed by bug 1318697. Note that I see this bug on ESR 45.
Flags: needinfo?(hiikezoe)
Devtools shows that there is a 1s opacity transition (1.0 -> 0.5)!
Flags: needinfo?(hiikezoe)
Attached file Another test case
Setting a new animation whose from value does not equal to the base value triggers a new transition.
Summary: Transition all keeps opacity animation's value while running transition even if the animation finished → Setting a new animation whose from value does not equal to the base value triggers a new transition
There's already at least one spec bug in this area. See bug 1192592.
Thanks! Yes, I think this is somewhat related to bug 1192592. I am reading the spec now. In this case, we compute the base value as startValue and compute the from value of the animation as endValue in nsTransitionManager::ConsiderInitiatingTransition(). What I don't still understand is that setting animation's property (changing keyframes too) is a style change event or not.
IIUC, bug 1192592 is an issue about the before-change style when an CSS animation is removed, whereas this bug is an issue about the after-change style when an CSS animations is added.
See Also: → 1192592
Severity: normal → S3
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