Bug 1320959
Opened 8 years ago
Closed 3 years ago
Crash in shutdownhang | GenImageNtHeader generating minidumps
(Core :: IPC, defect, P3)
(Reporter: alex_mayorga, Unassigned)
(Keywords: crash, nightly-community)
Crash Data
This bug was filed from the Socorro interface and is
report bp-ec240b55-4ef6-415f-9dc7-e702f2161128.
Got this crash and found 1381 others in the past week at
Filing this FWIW.
Crashing Thread (0)
Frame Module Signature Source
0 dbghelp.dll GenImageNtHeader(void*, _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64*)
1 dbghelp.dll GenAllocateModuleObject(_MINIDUMP_STATE*, _INTERNAL_PROCESS*, unsigned short*, unsigned __int64, unsigned long, _INTERNAL_MODULE**)
Reporter | ||
Updated•8 years ago
Keywords: nightly-community
Comment 1•8 years ago
This is hanging in Breakpad if I'm reading this correctly?
Component: General → Breakpad Integration
Product: Core → Toolkit
Version: 53 Branch → unspecified
Comment 2•8 years ago
Crash volume for signature 'shutdownhang | GenImageNtHeader':
- nightly (version 53): 67 crashes from 2016-11-14.
- aurora (version 52): 161 crashes from 2016-11-14.
- beta (version 51): 1151 crashes from 2016-11-14.
- release (version 50): 6621 crashes from 2016-11-01.
- esr (version 45): 331 crashes from 2016-07-06.
Crash volume on the last weeks (Week N is from 01-02 to 01-08):
W. N-1 W. N-2 W. N-3 W. N-4 W. N-5 W. N-6 W. N-7
- nightly 8 9 10 9 9 14 5
- aurora 29 26 32 23 22 23 0
- beta 158 173 206 236 147 135 55
- release 877 963 1168 1081 1073 859 321
- esr 8 5 13 18 20 11 14
Affected platform: Windows
Crash rank on the last 7 days:
Browser Content Plugin
- nightly #62
- aurora #34
- beta #69
- release #52
- esr #631
--- → affected
Comment 3•8 years ago
(In reply to Ryan VanderMeulen [:RyanVM] from comment #1)
> This is hanging in Breakpad if I'm reading this correctly?
Seems pretty unlikely given that we got a crash report out the other end, but I'll try opening it in a debugger to see if we can get a better stack.
Comment 4•8 years ago
Here's the full stack for thread 0 from Visual C++:
dbghelp.dll!GenImageNtHeader(void *,struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 *) Unknown
dbghelp.dll!GenAllocateModuleObject(struct _MINIDUMP_STATE *,struct _INTERNAL_PROCESS *,unsigned short *,unsigned __int64,unsigned long,struct _INTERNAL_MODULE * *) Unknown
dbghelp.dll!GenGetProcessInfo(struct _MINIDUMP_STATE *,struct _INTERNAL_PROCESS * *) Unknown
dbghelp.dll!MiniDumpProvideDump() Unknown
dbghelp.dll!MiniDumpWriteDump() Unknown
> xul.dll!google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpWithExceptionForProcess(unsigned long requesting_thread_id, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * exinfo, MDRawAssertionInfo * assertion, void * process, bool write_requester_stream) Line 1016 C++
xul.dll!google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpForChild(void * child, unsigned long child_blamed_thread, const std::basic_string<wchar_t,std::char_traits<wchar_t>,std::allocator<wchar_t> > & dump_path, bool(*)(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, void *, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *, MDRawAssertionInfo *, bool) callback, void * callback_context, _MINIDUMP_TYPE dump_type) Line 810 C++
xul.dll!CrashReporter::CreateMinidumpsAndPair(void * aTargetPid, unsigned long aTargetBlamedThread, const nsACString_internal & aIncomingPairName, nsIFile * aIncomingDumpToPair, nsIFile * * aMainDumpOut) Line 4005 C++
xul.dll!mozilla::dom::CrashReporterParent::GenerateCompleteMinidump<mozilla::dom::ContentParent>(mozilla::dom::ContentParent * t) Line 273 C++
xul.dll!mozilla::dom::ContentParent::KillHard(const char * aReason) Line 2732 C++
xul.dll!mozilla::dom::ContentParent::ForceKillTimerCallback(nsITimer * aTimer, void * aClosure) Line 2690 C++
xul.dll!nsTimerImpl::Fire() Line 478 C++
xul.dll!nsTimerEvent::Run() Line 293 C++
xul.dll!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool aMayWait, bool * aResult) Line 1213 C++
xul.dll!nsThread::Shutdown() Line 982 C++
xul.dll!mozilla::DataStorage::Observe(nsISupports * aSubject, const char * aTopic, const char16_t * aData) Line 886 C++
xul.dll!nsObserverList::NotifyObservers(nsISupports * aSubject, const char * aTopic, const char16_t * someData) Line 112 C++
xul.dll!nsObserverService::NotifyObservers(nsISupports * aSubject, const char * aTopic, const char16_t * aSomeData) Line 285 C++
xul.dll!nsXREDirProvider::DoShutdown() Line 1251 C++
xul.dll!ScopedXPCOMStartup::~ScopedXPCOMStartup() Line 1410 C++
xul.dll!mozilla::UniquePtr<ScopedXPCOMStartup,mozilla::DefaultDelete<ScopedXPCOMStartup> >::reset(ScopedXPCOMStartup * aPtr) Line 343 C++
xul.dll!XREMain::XRE_main(int argc, char * * argv, const nsXREAppData * aAppData) Line 4644 C++
xul.dll!XRE_main(int argc, char * * argv, const nsXREAppData * aAppData, unsigned int aFlags) Line 4705 C++
firefox.exe!do_main(int argc, char * * argv, char * * envp, nsIFile * xreDirectory) Line 328 C++
firefox.exe!wmain(int argc, wchar_t * * argv) Line 115 C++
firefox.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Line 253 C++
kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk() Unknown
ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart() Unknown
It looks like DataStorage is waiting for its worker thread to shut down, spinning the event loop while it does so. Then things got a little weird, in that we hit `ContentParent::ForceKillTimerCallback`, so we decided to kill the content process for not responding, and then while that was happening we also hit the shutdown timeout and killed the chrome process, so we wound up writing a minidump of the chrome process while it was writing a minidump of the content process.
I think the specific shutdownhang here belongs to storage, but I'm also going to file another bug about the weird interaction of the shutdown timer and the content process hang timer.
Component: Breakpad Integration → Storage
Comment 5•8 years ago
Filed bug 1333409 on that.
Comment 6•8 years ago
Crash volume for signature 'shutdownhang | GenImageNtHeader':
- nightly (version 54): 17 crashes from 2017-01-23.
- aurora (version 53): 33 crashes from 2017-01-23.
- beta (version 52): 367 crashes from 2017-01-23.
- release (version 51): 2101 crashes from 2017-01-16.
- esr (version 45): 320 crashes from 2016-08-10.
Crash volume on the last weeks (Week N is from 02-06 to 02-12):
W. N-1 W. N-2 W. N-3 W. N-4 W. N-5 W. N-6 W. N-7
- nightly 10 3
- aurora 21 3
- beta 201 83
- release 1342 321 0
- esr 13 17 13 10 12 8 5
Affected platform: Windows
Crash rank on the last 7 days:
Browser Content Plugin
- nightly #80
- aurora #30
- beta #51
- release #22
- esr #703
--- → affected
Comment 7•8 years ago
Too late for firefox 52, mass-wontfix.
Comment 8•8 years ago
Win7, 64bit, FF55.0a1
Data for bug edit from:
Architecture last 7 days:
x86 2190 96.7%
amd64 75 3.3%
--- → affected
--- → wontfix
OS: Windows 7 → Windows
Hardware: x86 → All
Version: unspecified → 38 Branch
Comment 9•8 years ago
FF55.0a1, Build-ID 20170611030208, 64-bit, E10s, Win7:
Crashing Thread
Frame Module Signature Source
0 dbghelp.dll GenImageNtHeader(void*, _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64*)
1 dbghelp.dll GenAllocateModuleObject(_MINIDUMP_STATE*, _INTERNAL_PROCESS*, unsigned short*, unsigned __int64, unsigned long, _INTERNAL_MODULE**)
Comment 10•7 years ago
DataStorage is unrelated to Storage. all the latest bugs touching it seem to point to Core / Security PSM
Component: Storage → Security: PSM
Product: Toolkit → Core
![]() |
Comment 11•7 years ago
Recent crash reports don't seem to be specific to DataStorage (or involve it at all). Maybe general IPC issue?
Component: Security: PSM → IPC
![]() |
Comment 12•7 years ago
This is a shutdown hang while generating crash dumps.
"Shutdown too long, probably frozen, causing a crash"
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Crash in shutdownhang | GenImageNtHeader → Crash in shutdownhang | GenImageNtHeader generating minidumps
Comment 13•7 years ago
I received this crash signature while shutting down Firefox (52-ESR).
Report ID Date Submitted
3/27/2018 5:24 PM
3/27/2018 5:24 PM
3/27/2018 5:22 PM
Firefox 52.6.0esr Crash Report [@ shutdownhang | GenImageNtHeader ]
ID: dd7a8d45-8e35-4f9c-bca6-3e87f0180327
MOZ_CRASH Reason MOZ_CRASH(Shutdown too long, probably frozen, causing a crash.)
Crash Address 0x5e819ee0
User Comments: Firefox crashed while shutting down.
Total Virtual Memory 4,294,836,224 bytes (4.29 GB)
Available Virtual Memory 3,468,918,784 bytes (3.47 GB)
Available Page File 957,706,240 bytes (957.71 MB)
Available Physical Memory 465,629,184 bytes (465.63 MB)
System Memory Use Percentage 88
Crashing Thread (0)
Frame Module Signature Source
0 dbghelp.dll GenImageNtHeader(void*, _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64*)
1 dbghelp.dll GenAllocateModuleObject(_MINIDUMP_STATE*, _INTERNAL_PROCESS*, unsigned short*, unsigned __int64, unsigned long, _INTERNAL_MODULE**)
2 dbghelp.dll GenGetProcessInfo(_MINIDUMP_STATE*, _INTERNAL_PROCESS**)
3 dbghelp.dll MiniDumpProvideDump
4 dbghelp.dll MiniDumpWriteDump
5 xul.dll google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpWithExceptionForProcess(unsigned long, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS*, MDRawAssertionInfo*, void*, bool)
Firefox 52.6.0esr Crash Report [@ shutdownhang | GenImageNtHeader ]
ID: 08afa438-ab4f-4c86-b0a3-46c5d0180327
MOZ_CRASH Reason MOZ_CRASH(Shutdown too long, probably frozen, causing a crash.)
Crash Address 0x5e819ee0
User Comments
Crashing Thread (0)
Frame Module Signature Source
0 dbghelp.dll GenImageNtHeader(void*, _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64*)
1 dbghelp.dll GenAllocateModuleObject(_MINIDUMP_STATE*, _INTERNAL_PROCESS*, unsigned short*, unsigned __int64, unsigned long, _INTERNAL_MODULE**)
2 dbghelp.dll GenGetProcessInfo(_MINIDUMP_STATE*, _INTERNAL_PROCESS**)
3 dbghelp.dll MiniDumpProvideDump
4 dbghelp.dll MiniDumpWriteDump
5 xul.dll google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpWithExceptionForProcess(unsigned long, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS*, MDRawAssertionInfo*, void*, bool)
Firefox 52.6.0esr Crash Report [@ IPCError-browser | ShutDownKill ]
ID: dd7a77e8-a087-47af-b301-98c210180327
Process Type content (web)
Crash Address 0x71cedaa3
Processor Notes
processor_prod-processor-i-0b0c48fc9cc57b96e_1406; Processor2015;
non-integer value of "SecondsSinceLastCrash";
Signature replaced with an IPC Channel Error, was: "memset | arena_dalloc_small | je_free | js::SharedScriptData::decRefCount"
Crashing Thread (0)
Frame Module Signature Source
0 vcruntime140.dll memset f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcruntime\src\string\i386\memset.asm:113
1 mozglue.dll arena_dalloc_small memory/mozjemalloc/jemalloc.c:4598
2 mozglue.dll je_free memory/mozjemalloc/jemalloc.c:6468
3 xul.dll js::SharedScriptData::decRefCount() js/src/jsscript.h:718
4 xul.dll js::SweepScriptData(JSRuntime*, js::AutoLockForExclusiveAccess&) js/src/jsscript.cpp:2249
Comment 14•3 years ago
Closing because no crashes reported for 12 weeks.
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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