Closed Bug 1336797 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Black flickering when playing Fullscreen video on new MacBook Pro Touchbar


(Core :: Graphics, defect, P3)

51 Branch





(Reporter: l1458494, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [gfx-noted])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0 Build ID: 20170125094131 Steps to reproduce: When watching videos in Fullscreen there is flickering. Every few seconds seemingly randomly a black retangle covers a big portion of the screen for a brief moment and then goes away. This makes videos not unwatchable but it's very annoying.
EDIT: The problem occurs not only on YouTube but also on other sites when playing Fullscreen video.
Summary: YouTube black flickering in Fullscreen on new MacBook Pro Touchbar → Black flickering when playing Fullscreen video on new MacBook Pro Touchbar
Component: Untriaged → Graphics
OS: Unspecified → Mac OS X
Product: Firefox → Core
l1458494: Could you please copy the "graphics" section from about:support?
Flags: needinfo?(l1458494)
Priority: -- → P3
(In reply to Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] from comment #2) > l1458494: Could you please copy the "graphics" section from about:support? Allgemeine Merkmale Compositing OpenGL Asynchrones Wischen und Zoomen nichts WebGL-Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 WebGL2-Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 H264-Dekodierung durch Hardware Yes Audio-Back-End audiounit GPU 1 Aktiv Ja Herstellerkennung 0x8086 Gerätekennung 0x1927 Weitere Informationen AzureCanvasAccelerated 1 AzureCanvasBackend skia AzureContentBackend skia AzureFallbackCanvasBackend none TileHeight 1024 TileWidth 1024
Here is a video showing the bug in action by playing a random video from Youtube. Surprisingly when I was trying to screengrab the video the bug didn't show up anymore so I had to use my phone to record it. You can clearly see the black bar on the lower half of the screen randomly appearing for a brief moment. Don't know if it helps any further but it should at least confirm this bug.
Flags: needinfo?(l1458494)
I hope this comment gives more information. This bug happened to me on Netflix as well, and caused more distortion than the video showed in the reporter's video. This level of distortion is less frequent, but still reoccurring. With this level of distortion viewing the video is essentially unwatchable. I hope some of this information is useful, this is my first time reporting a bug on here. Note* the sound was muted for language User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0 Build Number: 20170125094131 Graphics: Compositing OpenGL Asynchronous Pan/Zoom wheel input enabled WebGL Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 WebGL2 Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 Hardware H264 Decoding Yes Audio Backend audiounit GPU #1 Active Yes Vendor ID 0x8086 Device ID 0x1927 Diagnostics AzureCanvasAccelerated 1 AzureCanvasBackend skia AzureContentBackend skia AzureFallbackCanvasBackend none TileHeight 1024 TileWidth 1024
Hey there, I have this bug too. I tried 3 versions of Firefox (FF 52, FF Nightly 54 and FF Nightly 55) It appears while watching Youtube- and Vimeo-Videos. But I also see it for example in the Outlook Web App when there is a popup alert. (everything with fullscreen) Maybe it's coincidence, but the language of my MacBook Pro is German, the same as "l1458494". Here are my bug-fix-information: Compositing OpenGL Asynchrones Wischen und Zoomen Mausrad-Eingabe aktiviert; Ziehen der Bildlaufleiste aktiviert WebGL 1 Driver WSI Info CGL WebGL 1 Driver Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 WebGL 1 Driver Version 2.1 INTEL-10.22.29 WebGL 2 Driver WSI Info CGL WebGL2-Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 WebGL 2 Driver Version 4.1 INTEL-10.22.29 Audio-Back-End audiounit GPU 1 Aktiv Ja Herstellerkennung 0x8086 Gerätekennung 0x1927 Weitere Informationen AzureCanvasAccelerated 1 AzureCanvasBackend skia AzureContentBackend skia AzureFallbackCanvasBackend none TileHeight 1024 TileWidth 1024 failures CP+[GFX1-]: ClientLayerManager::BeginTransaction with IPC channel down. GPU process may have died. Entscheidungsprotokoll WEBRENDER unavailable by runtime: Build doesn't include WebRender Fehlerprotokoll (#0) CP+[GFX1-]: ClientLayerManager::BeginTransaction with IPC channel down. GPU process may have died. (#48 ... #62) CP+[GFX1-]: ClientLayerManager::BeginTransaction with IPC channel down. GPU process may have died.
This happens to me every day on Firefox, even with no videos on tabs. Exiting Full Screen fixes it (until it happens again 12 hours later). Still present on 52.0.
I notice that in Firefox, the tab bar paints off screen to the left. Example: Using the app causes it to repaint the screen, bringing the left tab back onscreen, but it starts flickering soon after.
Also experiencing this issue since day 1 on my 2016 13" with Iris 550. Would also like to confirm that it's not only during video. I for instance am currently working in the backend of a WordPress site and the screen is flickering like crazy in full screen mode. When I close the lid or resize the window it stops although I have had a few instances where the flicker took over the whole machine and I had to restart. I disabled hardware rendering as suggested in other forums, but it had zero effect. I'm also running 52.0. about:support Features Compositing Basic Asynchronous Pan/Zoom wheel input enabled WebGL Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 WebGL2 Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 Hardware H264 Decoding Yes Audio Backend audiounit GPU #1 Active Yes Vendor ID 0x8086 Device ID 0x1927 Diagnostics AzureCanvasAccelerated 0 AzureCanvasBackend skia AzureContentBackend skia AzureFallbackCanvasBackend none TileHeight 1024 TileWidth 1024 failures CP+[GFX1-]: Failed to allocate a surface due to invalid size (CDT) Size(0,0) Decision Log HW_COMPOSITING disabled by user: Disabled by pref OPENGL_COMPOSITING unavailable by default: Hardware compositing is disabled Failure Log (#0) CP+[GFX1-]: Failed to allocate a surface due to invalid size (CDT) Size(0,0) (#5) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#6) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#7) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#8) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#9) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#10) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#11) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#12) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#13) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#14) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#15) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#16) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#17) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#18) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost (#19) Error Failed to create a valid ShmemTextureHost
He, same on my 13" non Touchbar Macbook Pro 2016. Using FF 52 Mac OS Sierra 10.12.3 Have the same issue - at every situation using FF (not only watching videos at youtube). Flickers massivley occur at least 2-3 times within 30minutes. (Had several flickers during the time I wrote this...) Its defintely not a hardware issue: # I cleared the system management controller (SMC) # installed OS fresh from recovery # drove the system in Save mode # resetted NVRAM With Safari or Chrome no flickers / problems occuring. Would be great to have a solution on this - at the moment I have to use chrome instead of FF :/
I noticed that this problem only occurs on 13" Macbook Pro. The aspect ratio of the screen could be a cause of the problem. As i know for sure Macbook Air uses in some cases an aspect ratio of 4:3, I cant really find any specifications to which aspect ratios the Macbook Pro 13" uses for the different resolutions I myself have this same problem and have also narrowed it down to only be a problem occuring while usig Firefox. Also only on my Macbook Pro 13", not on my Macbook Pro 15" (2013) or Mac Mini (2014)
Happens on my tMBP 15" (2016).
Hi, I'm having this issue on my 13" Macbook Pro 2016 with Touchbar. It happens randomly when using Firefox in fullscreen view. Apparently if there are more applications in fullscreen it gets worse. MacOs Sierra 10.12.3 FF 52.0.1
Hello, FF 52.0.1 MacBook Pro 13' Touchbar 2016 Intel Iris Graphics 550 Experiences same issues described on posts above. Lower end of the screen flickers when watching full screen videos on FF. Continues to flicker out of full screen mode while the video plays. Tested disabling hardware acceleration, no change. Safari & Chrome, no issues. My friend with the non touchbar MacBook 2016 has the exact same issue on FF 52.0.1.
Hi, Same issue on my 13" Macbook Pro 2016 with Touchbar. Happens randomly when using Firefox in fullscreen view, even without video Stops when I exit full screen MacOs Sierra 10.12.3 FF 52.0.1 Graphics Features Compositing OpenGL Asynchronous Pan/Zoom none WebGL Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 WebGL2 Renderer Intel Inc. -- Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550 Hardware H264 Decoding Yes Audio Backend audiounit GPU #1 Active Yes Vendor ID 0x8086 Device ID 0x1927 Diagnostics AzureCanvasAccelerated 1 AzureCanvasBackend skia AzureContentBackend skia AzureFallbackCanvasBackend none TileHeight 1024 TileWidth 1024
The issue appears to be fixed for me on Sierra 10.12.4 and FF 52.0.1.
(In reply to clemenko from comment #16) > The issue appears to be fixed for me on Sierra 10.12.4 and FF 52.0.1. We have heard this from other sources as well - 10.12.4 fixes issues with the new 13". Any of the other reporters that have had a chance to update still see the problem?
Whiteboard: [gfx-noted]
10.12.4 has fixed it for me as well thank you!
Yep, 10.12.4 seems to have sorted this issue for me too.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Thanks everyone who confirmed. This is great news!
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