Closed Bug 1337918 (devtools/auto-completion) Opened 8 years ago Closed 9 months ago

[meta] Auto-completion of values is missing for several properties


(DevTools :: Inspector: Rules, enhancement, P3)

54 Branch


(firefox54 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox54 --- affected


(Reporter: sebo, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 3 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

There are several CSS properties, which are missing an auto-completion of their values, like e.g. font-weight. Sebastian
Based on looking at nsCSSPropList.h, I think font-weight will be fixed by the patch in bug 1106336. So maybe this should just be closed as a dup?
Bug 1106336 doesn't have a patch yet and is restricted to the 'text-overflow' property. This one is meant as meta-bug for all properties. Sebastian
Oh, sorry about that! I confused it with the bug where this is being done, namely bug 1156019. I think that will fix both 1106336 and this bug.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Auto-completion of values is missing for several properties → [meta] Auto-completion of values is missing for several properties
Alias: devtools/auto-completion
Depends on: 1156019
No longer depends on: 1156019
Depends on: 1156019
I think this bug can probably be closed, but I thought I'd ask first.
Flags: needinfo?(sebastianzartner)
While bug 1156019 brought a huge improvement in autocompleting values, there are still a few properties that are missing autocompletion like the 'none' value for 'quotes', for example. I didn't check this in detailed yet, though I'd like to keep this bug open and file more blocking bugs for the missing pieces. Sebastian
Flags: needinfo?(sebastianzartner)
(In reply to Sebastian Zartner [:sebo] from comment #5) > While bug 1156019 brought a huge improvement in autocompleting values, there > are still a few properties that are missing autocompletion like the 'none' > value for 'quotes', for example. Thanks! I wonder how you found this. "quotes" has a custom parser: and it recognizes none here: Perhaps all `CSS_PROPERTY_PARSE_FUNCTION` properties ought to be audited; though I wonder if there's some more future-proof way.
(In reply to Tom Tromey :tromey from comment #6) > (In reply to Sebastian Zartner [:sebo] from comment #5) > > While bug 1156019 brought a huge improvement in autocompleting values, there > > are still a few properties that are missing autocompletion like the 'none' > > value for 'quotes', for example. > > Thanks! I wonder how you found this. In this case simply by trying out the different properties in the DevTools. > Perhaps all `CSS_PROPERTY_PARSE_FUNCTION` properties ought to be audited; For now, I think there's no other way to do it. > though I wonder if there's some more future-proof way. Maybe the related code could be changed to somehow expose their possible values right in the related parse functions, though I don't really know the code enough to give proper input on this. Sebastian
Depends on: 1254949
Depends on: 1258494
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Severity: normal → S3

Sebo, quotes now have the none value in the autocomplete.
Should we close this bug or do you think there are still missing values?

There are still values missing for some properties, though they are covered by the ones blocking bug 1254949. So let's close this one.


Closed: 9 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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