Closed Bug 1340974 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Intermittent TEST-UNEXPECTED-OK | /workers/data-url.html | expected ERROR


(Core :: DOM: Service Workers, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox56 --- fixed
firefox57 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: allstars.chh)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure, Whiteboard: [stockwell fixed:DOM])


(1 file)

Priority: -- → P5
Hi Yoshi,
I know you've been working on data uri so wondering if this is something you could help or you know who could ask for help.
This is a frequent failure, and we are looking for a solution for this. Understanding the impact of disabling this test temporarily is also useful. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(allstars.chh)
Assignee: nobody → allstars.chh
Blocks: 1324406
Flags: needinfo?(allstars.chh)
From linux64 and macox64-stylo

I can see there are some warning from worker when running this test.

[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.667366Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.668653Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.671012Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.671897Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.672722Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.673515Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.674343Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.675179Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.675997Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.676817Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.677609Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.678420Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.679212Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.680028Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.680830Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.681621Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.682449Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.684607Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.685969Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: A runnable was posted to a worker that is already shutting down!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 2840
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.690563Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: Failed to dispatch offline status change event!: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/workers/WorkerPrivate.cpp, line 3530
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.766631Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | [Child 13504] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(maybeContext) failed: file /home/worker/workspace/build/src/xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp, line 1040
[task 2017-07-17T19:25:49.767915Z] 19:25:49     INFO - PID 13456 | 

Also I found the logs show that it looks like there's some crash

 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost

In this test, there should be some errors thrown, however I think the crash has made the (error) events lost and cause the unexpected OK.

Anyway, I think I could fix the error and make this test PASS
Attachment #8893337 - Flags: review?(bugs) → review+
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla57
Flags: in-testsuite+
Whiteboard: [stockwell needswork:DOM] → [stockwell fixed:DOM]
(In reply to OrangeFactor Robot from comment #30)
> 19 failures in 888 pushes (0.021 failures/push) were associated with this
> bug in the last 7 days.   
> Repository breakdown:
> * autoland: 13
> * mozilla-inbound: 4
> * try: 1
> * mozilla-central: 1
> Platform breakdown:
> * windows7-32: 11
> * macosx64-stylo: 4
> * osx-10-10: 1
> * linux64-stylo: 1
> * linux64: 1
> * linux32: 1
> For more details, see:
> ?display=Bug&bugid=1340974&startday=2017-07-31&endday=2017-08-06&tree=all

This bug is laned on 8/5, and this orangefactor recorded from 7/31~8/6, and after checking the orangefactor, after 8/5, the number of failures is 0
(but maybe because it's on the weekend)
I'll check this again if we still have intermittents next week.
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