Closed Bug 134396 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Linux (X11): active windows get key strokes (CTRL-W) only after first click


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Stephan.Fuhrmann, Assigned: asa)


Hi there, I have a small problem with Mozi's (2002031008) windows. Should be simple to fix. Whenever there's some window open and I move the mouse over it, my window manager (fvwm2) activates it. That's ok. The window is really active, the mouse pointer changes its shape when moving over different content-regions of the window. The problem: When I activate the window by moving over it, the window doesn't seem to have the keyboard focus. I can press CTRL-W (window-close) as often as I desire, nothing is closed. After pushing the left mousebutton once in the window it has the keyboard focus.
One comment: The problem seems to be that Mozi activates any text field in the newly activated window to have the focus. The problem is that text fields (even the location field) capture common keyboard shortcuts like CTRL-w.
Severity: normal → minor
Ctrl+W has a different meaning in a text box which is to cut text to a marker(which i guess is always beginning of line). Other shortcuts will work nonetheless.
or better yet Ctrl+W means cut one word back. as you can tell I'm a vi, and not an emacs user =) So what is this bug still about? Mozilla shouldn't focus a text area when focusing the browser?
Mozilla does not focus a textbox unless it was focused when you left the browser. Do we still have a bug Stephan, or shall I mark this INVALID?
I think the problem is the Command key and Menu-shortcut under Linux. They shouldn't be the same, and the key mappings shouldn't interfer. Shortcuts should have a distinct mapping. My problem only disturbes the flow of work in some circumstances. I really ask myself sometimes where my CTRL-w keystrokes went ;). It is really a minor problem I think. Delete this bug if you can't see my problem.
So you're saying that there should be an alternative to Ctrl+W?
Yes an alternative would be 100% ok. Maybe one could allow to use the old Netscape key mapping with ALT-w (maybe modifying the global menu key mapping with an option in Edit/Preferences :)? Or using the new menu/windoze-key in addition to the normal mapping (pretty useless keys ;). This would be great!
Ok, I see - thank you!
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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