Closed Bug 1345548 Opened 8 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Developer toolbar gets stuck after console restart: 'too much recursion'


(DevTools Graveyard :: Graphic Commandline and Toolbar, defect, P2)



(firefox52 wontfix, firefox53 affected, firefox54 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox52 --- wontfix
firefox53 --- affected
firefox54 --- affected


(Reporter: aflorinescu, Unassigned)



[Versions affected:]
This bug seems to affect all versions, from release 52 to Nightly 55.

[Affected OS'es:]
I've reproduced this on Ubuntu 16.04, Windows 10 and Mac OSX 10.10. 

Please note that this bug is intermittent. I haven't really managed to identify a scenario path that always triggers this state: developer toolbar shows as opened after restart, but in fact it's closed(or just hidden?) and it cannot be opened again.

1. Open Nightly 55 with a clean profile.
2. Ctrl+Shift+J -> Browser Console opens.
3. Hit Shift+F2 -> Dev. Toolbar opens.
4. Open a bunch of tabs (this is not really necesarry, but I noticed it increases the reproducibility ratio)
5. In Dev. Toolbar type restart and hit enter. 

(note1: you might have to redo these steps a few times)
(note2: in wild with busy profiles, the reproducibility ratio increases, but I'd advise against trying that since dev. toolbar might get permanently stuck)

[Actual Result:]
After the console restart FF should open with Developer Toolbar opened. In case of successful reproduction, the developer toolbar will not be opened, but if you goto Tools/WebDeveloper it will show Developer Toolbar as opened. Browser console will state in this case:

too much recursion[Learn More]  developer-toolbar.js:202:29
and the source error will point to this section:
 * Is the toolbar open?
Object.defineProperty(DeveloperToolbar.prototype, "visible", {
  get: function () {
    return this._element && !this._element.hidden;

Pressing Shift+F2 in this state will throw the above error line "too much recursion" every time.

With a clean profile, closing and reopening FF will reset the 'confused' state of the developer toolbar, but I've had the opportunity to see that the dev. toolbar got permanently stuck in this state with a highly used profile. 

[Expected Result:]
Developer toolbar to open/close successful each time.

I think that bug 1328004 and bug 1277348 might be related to this one, or this might even be a regression, but given the intermittent nature, it might be hard to get hold of a regression range.
Component: Developer Tools: Framework → Developer Tools: Graphic Commandline and Toolbar
Mass wontfix for bugs affecting firefox 52.
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Per bug 1491875, this component has been closed, and the affected code is being removed from Firefox. Closing this bug as incomplete.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: DevTools → DevTools Graveyard
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