Closed Bug 13458 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Folders show up twice.


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: skasinathan, Assigned: scottputterman)


Overview Description: Folders shows up twice upon opening it. Something like this. Drafts Templates .... Drafts Templates ..... Steps to Reproduce: 1. Start messenger using Task | Messenger. 2. Click on twisty to view the folders. 3. All the folders shows up twice. Build Date & Platform Bug Found: 1999-09-09-09-M10, Windows Release build. Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On: 1999-09-09-08-M11, Linux build. (Esther tested this).
Assignee: phil → putterman
re-assigning to putterman. adding mscott, alecf and bienvenu to the cc list so they can add suggestions. alecf, you had a guess at what it might be? something with existance detection code with RDF assertion?
I think this too is because of the duplicate detection code that was removed yesterday....:(
Hmm. I have to look into that, but if it is then it's because we're doing something wrong elsewhere.
This is happening because I exposed what I think is a bug in nsMsgAccountManagerDS.cpp. It returns that it knows kNC_Child regardless of what the source is. Therefore, RDF asks for the child property twice. I can fix this by only adding that arc if it knows how to answer it for the source. Chris, I cc'd you on this, because I guess one could argue that 2 different datasources would know how to answer GetTargets for a given source and property. That means that for the arcsout enumerator, keeping track of those dups is probably a good idea. Unfortunately, if I add it back in, there's a big performance loss.
Why don't you back out your change for now, and we can figure out how to make the front end not be so stupid.
Let me say that again. Why don't we _temporarily_ back out your change to the composite data source, then we'll fix the front end, then we'll put your change back in.
I have a fix for our datasources to make this work out. The question is, do we need the duplication code for other places? Are there other composite datasources that are depending on this? And, if we have to put it back in, could we put it in as something other than an array with n^2 lookup? I would prefer not to lose the perf gain if possible.
Ok, let's fix the datasource then. I can deal with any other places where this turns up as a problem.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I just checked in the fix for this.
putterman, I tried to update your changes in my tree. When I did nmake, I get the following error. Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. +++ make: exporting headers nsMsgAccountManagerDS.cpp D:\mozilla\mailnews\base\src\nsMsgAccountManagerDS.cpp(267) : error C2661: 'crea teNode' : no overloaded function takes 3 parameters NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2' Stop. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\bin\N MAKE.EXE"' : return code '0x2' Stop.
Suresh, Are you updated in the rest of the directory? I don't think I checked anything in that would affect that line.
No. I just updated the directory you checked in. I will update my entire tree.
just that directory should have been sufficient.
linux (1999-09-13-08 m11) Win_nt 4.0 (1999-09-10-10 M11) Mac (1999-09-10-09 M11) Folders do not show up twice any more.
Changing: (OS) Windows 3.1 -> All, per comment 0. (This will help on bug 165825 :-))
OS: Windows 3.1 → All
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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