Closed Bug 134700 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Form field values not preserved when you use Back and Forward buttons


(Core :: Layout: Form Controls, defect)

Windows 98
Not set





(Reporter: dan, Assigned: rods)


This seems to be a recent phenomenon as I don't recall it before. In build 2002040103, form field values aren't remembered when you return to a page via the back or forward buttons; they return to their default values.
hrm. seems to work for me. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.9+) Gecko/20020401
It works for me on one machine with build 2002040103, but not on another. Interestingly, the machine where this bug doesn't show up is the one on which I'm experiencing bug 134550 -- the edit preferences and manage bookmarks menus don't work -- while that bug doesn't exist for me on the other machine. Thus, neither of my machines has a fully functional Mozilla. Does anybody have any clues about how I can get rid of these bugs? They make things very annoying.
Confirmed on Mac OS X build 2002041603. I was going to report it myself when I came across this report. It occurs on: and has caused me to lose all the stuff I entered in. You can reproduce by filling in some text, changing some pop-ups, etc. then doing a back followed by a forward.
QA Contact: madhur → tpreston
Adam: what you're hitting at Bugzilla Helper is bug 138892, "form data only remembered for first form on page". Dan: try checking your cache-size settings on the computer that always forgets form values. Also, what site are you using to test the two computers?
OK... I think what I was experiencing was also bug 134550... on further experimentation it does seem like the clearing of form fields happens only on pages with more than one form, and is happening on both machines. My belief that it worked on one machine and failed on the other probably resulted from my happening to use pages with multiple forms on the one machine and pages with single forms on the other at the time I filed the bug report... since then, I've noticed form fields (on both machines) clearing or not in a seemingly random manner and could never figure out what the common factor was until I saw that other bug. Now I've done some testing and see that it is indeed just the second and subsequent form that's getting cleared. So I guess this bug can be marked as a duplicate.
Whoops, I mean bug 138892 in that last comment...
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 138892 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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