Bug 135278
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
nsDependentSingleFragmentCSubstring assertions
(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)
DOM: Core & HTML
(Reporter: rbs, Assigned: jst)
(Whiteboard: [HAVE FIX])
(2 files)
27.21 KB,
Details | |
749 bytes,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
I am hitting an assertion when nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetData() has to return
am empty string. There is a comment in the code that seems to suggest that such
problems were anticipated, but there is apparently no protection for the case of
See also bug 121925 - "nsDependentCString assertions".
Code from where the assertion is originating:
nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetData(nsAString& aData)
if (mText.Is2b()) {
aData.Assign(mText.Get2b(), mText.GetLength());
} else {
// Must use Substring() since nsDependentCString() requires null
// terminated strings.
const char *data = mText.Get1b();
CopyASCIItoUCS2(Substring(data, data + mText.GetLength()), aData);
return NS_OK;
Stack trace:
NTDLL! 77f9eea9()
nsDebug::Assertion(const char * 0x101073e4 `string', const char * 0x10107284
`string', const char * 0x101073a8 `string', int 203) line 291 + 13 bytes
nsDependentSingleFragmentCSubstring::Rebind(const char * 0x00000000, const char
* 0x00000000) line 203 + 37 bytes
char * 0x00000000, const char * 0x00000000) line 216 + 51 bytes
Substring(const char * const & 0x00000000, const char * const & 0x00000000) line
282 + 21 bytes
nsGenericDOMDataNode::GetData(nsAString & {...}) line 437 + 40 bytes
nsTextNode::GetData(nsTextNode * const 0x03d9c69c, nsAString & {...}) line 59 +
18 bytes
XPTC_InvokeByIndex(nsISupports * 0x03d9c69c, unsigned int 28, unsigned int 1,
nsXPTCVariant * 0x0012d5f0) line 106
XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext & {...}, XPCWrappedNative::CallMode
CALL_GETTER) line 2025 + 42 bytes
XPCWrappedNative::GetAttribute(XPCCallContext & {...}) line 1823 + 14 bytes
XPC_WN_GetterSetter(JSContext * 0x03b4f2a8, JSObject * 0x03cdb110, unsigned int
0, long * 0x03c8540c, long * 0x0012d8e0) line 1298 + 12 bytes
js_Invoke(JSContext * 0x03b4f2a8, unsigned int 0, unsigned int 2) line 788 + 23
js_InternalInvoke(JSContext * 0x03b4f2a8, JSObject * 0x03cdb110, long 63811992,
unsigned int 0, unsigned int 0, long * 0x00000000, long * 0x0012e6e0) line 880 +
20 bytes
js_GetProperty(JSContext * 0x03b4f2a8, JSObject * 0x03cdb110, long 25483168,
long * 0x0012e6e0) line 2502 + 45 bytes
js_Interpret(JSContext * 0x03b4f2a8, long * 0x0012e890) line 2576 + 2032 bytes
js_Invoke(JSContext * 0x03b4f2a8, unsigned int 1, unsigned int 2) line 805 + 13
js_InternalInvoke(JSContext * 0x03b4f2a8, JSObject * 0x03a3e538, long 61074728,
unsigned int 0, unsigned int 1, long * 0x0012eae8, long * 0x0012e9b8) line 880 +
20 bytes
JS_CallFunctionValue(JSContext * 0x03b4f2a8, JSObject * 0x03a3e538, long
61074728, unsigned int 1, long * 0x0012eae8, long * 0x0012e9b8) line 3412 + 31
nsJSContext::CallEventHandler(nsJSContext * const 0x017c60a8, void * 0x03a3e538,
void * 0x03a3ed28, unsigned int 1, void * 0x0012eae8, int * 0x0012eaec, int 0)
line 1016 + 33 bytes
nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent(nsJSEventListener * const 0x03d05748, nsIDOMEvent
* 0x032b45e8) line 180 + 77 bytes
nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType(nsListenerStruct * 0x03c60d28,
nsIDOMEvent * 0x032b45e8, nsIDOMEventTarget * 0x03cadd90, unsigned int 1,
unsigned int 7) line 1217 + 20 bytes
nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsEventListenerManager * const 0x03d85768,
nsIPresContext * 0x03db4da0, nsEvent * 0x0012f278, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f1d4,
nsIDOMEventTarget * 0x03cadd90, unsigned int 7, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f2a0) line
1890 + 36 bytes
GlobalWindowImpl::HandleDOMEvent(GlobalWindowImpl * const 0x03cadd80,
nsIPresContext * 0x03db4da0, nsEvent * 0x0012f278, nsIDOMEvent * * 0x0012f1d4,
unsigned int 1, nsEventStatus * 0x0012f2a0) line 697
DocumentViewerImpl::LoadComplete(DocumentViewerImpl * const 0x03d82338, unsigned
int 0) line 1396 + 56 bytes
nsDocShell::EndPageLoad(nsIWebProgress * 0x0391ebfc, nsIChannel * 0x03965e10,
unsigned int 0) line 3878
nsWebShell::EndPageLoad(nsIWebProgress * 0x0391ebfc, nsIChannel * 0x03965e10,
unsigned int 0) line 731
nsDocShell::OnStateChange(nsDocShell * const 0x0394d2ec, nsIWebProgress *
0x0391ebfc, nsIRequest * 0x03965e10, int 131088, unsigned int 0) line 3795
nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnStateChange(nsIWebProgress * 0x0391ebfc, nsIRequest *
0x03965e10, int 131088, unsigned int 0) line 1105
nsDocLoaderImpl::doStopDocumentLoad(nsIRequest * 0x03965e10, unsigned int 0)
line 744
nsDocLoaderImpl::DocLoaderIsEmpty() line 642
nsDocLoaderImpl::DocLoaderIsEmpty() line 645
nsDocLoaderImpl::OnStopRequest(nsDocLoaderImpl * const 0x03d19fcc, nsIRequest *
0x03c587d0, nsISupports * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0) line 573
nsLoadGroup::RemoveRequest(nsLoadGroup * const 0x03d1a0a0, nsIRequest *
0x03c587d0, nsISupports * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0) line 526 + 35 bytes
nsStreamIOChannel::OnStopRequest(nsStreamIOChannel * const 0x03c587d4,
nsIRequest * 0x03c588fc, nsISupports * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0) line 486
nsOnStopRequestEvent::HandleEvent() line 213
nsARequestObserverEvent::HandlePLEvent(PLEvent * 0x03d259dc) line 116
PL_HandleEvent(PLEvent * 0x03d259dc) line 596 + 10 bytes
PL_ProcessPendingEvents(PLEventQueue * 0x010c3068) line 526 + 9 bytes
_md_EventReceiverProc(HWND__ * 0x008903b4, unsigned int 49488, unsigned int 0,
long 17576040) line 1077 + 9 bytes
USER32! 77e148dc()
USER32! 77e14aa7()
USER32! 77e266fd()
nsAppShellService::Run(nsAppShellService * const 0x017991e8) line 309
main1(int 1, char * * 0x00304e70, nsISupports * 0x00000000) line 1415 + 32 bytes
main(int 1, char * * 0x00304e70) line 1763 + 37 bytes
mainCRTStartup() line 338 + 17 bytes
Not a string library bug.
The fix should be simple:
if (data)
Assignee: jaggernaut → jst
Component: String → DOM Other
QA Contact: scc → gerardok
Comment 3•23 years ago
Should data even ever be allowed to be |0| there? That implies we're creating
"null" text fragments, seems like a waste.
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•23 years ago
Empty text nodes won't have any buffer in them, so yes, data can be null.
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•23 years ago
Assignee | ||
Updated•23 years ago
Whiteboard: [HAVE FIX]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0.1
Comment on attachment 77558 [details] [diff] [review]
Proposed fix.
Attachment #77558 -
Flags: review+
Comment 7•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 77558 [details] [diff] [review]
Proposed fix.
Attachment #77558 -
Flags: review+ → superreview+
Attachment #77558 -
Flags: review+
*** Bug 143458 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assignee | ||
Comment 9•23 years ago
Fix checked in.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•6 years ago
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
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