Closed Bug 1359328 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Create --enable-fuzzing TC job for firefox


(Firefox Build System :: Task Configuration, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rforbes, Assigned: aobreja)



(5 files, 3 obsolete files)

We need a taskcluster job for a ASAN build with --enable-fuzzing set for fuzzing. Ultimately, this should be a tier 2 build. Here is the bug for the jsshell as a reference.
Assignee: nobody → aselagea
Assignee: aselagea → aobreja
Attached patch bug1359328.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Created taskcluster job "sm-fuzzing_firefox".Not sure if this is the right way to do it or some aspects need to be changed.
Attachment #8862806 - Flags: feedback?(rforbes)
Attachment #8862806 - Flags: feedback?(rforbes) → feedback?(kmoir)
Comment on attachment 8862806 [details] [diff] [review] bug1359328.patch I got this error name sm-fuzzing_firefox/opt is not in the whitelist in To test this patch First, download a recent parameters.yml file from a recent m-i push such as this one (click under Gecko Decision Task opt) i.e. From my local clone of mozilla-inbound with your patch applied, I ran this to test the patch ./mach taskgraph target -p ~/Downloads/parameters-m-i.yml Once you get this error sorted, you want to see that the new build is included in the list that is output by the mach command Once you have it in the list, you can see the optimized graph that is produced via this command ./mach taskgraph optimized --json -p ~/Downloads/parameters-m-i.yml &> task.json look at the task.json file to ensure the new build has all the parameters you are looking for. Then you can push to try for further testing
Attachment #8862806 - Flags: feedback?(kmoir) → feedback+
this seems like a pretty straight forward fix of adding the task to the file. Should I make a patch for that?
actually, looking at the patch it looks like the job name is different than what is put in the whitelist file.
Attached patch bug1359328_v2.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Change and test the new patch. By comparing the old "./mach taskgraph target-graph -p path_to_parameters.yml" with the new one I got only: < spidermonkey-sm-fuzzing_firefox/opt
Attachment #8862806 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8864866 - Flags: review?(kmoir)
It failed because maybe the file "/js/src/devtools/automation/variants/fuzzing_firefox" was not added or is not recognised. Kim can you also test with another push on try? thank you
Flags: needinfo?(kmoir)
Your try push didn't include it that file If you run hg status the file should be there but not added. Use hg add to add the file and run your push again.
Flags: needinfo?(kmoir)
so, sorry I finally caught this but the patch wasn't right. The patch was just making a jsshell build and I wanted a whole firefox build. I have submitted a patch to mozreview that I think covers what I want. I am hoping people can look at it. Thanks!
Comment on attachment 8864866 [details] [diff] [review] bug1359328_v2.patch removing the review flag until you have a good try run
Attachment #8864866 - Flags: review?(kmoir)
Comment on attachment 8864866 [details] [diff] [review] bug1359328_v2.patch It looks good, I have two questions Should the name be sm-fuzzing-firefox instead of sm-fuzzing_firefox? The other names seem to follow that pattern. Also, should this build be limited to run on certain platforms? It looks like other spidermonkey builds are limited by run-on-projects: so they don't run on every branch if they are not needed there
Flags: needinfo?(aobreja)
Attachment #8864866 - Flags: review?(kmoir)
Comment on attachment 8864866 [details] [diff] [review] bug1359328_v2.patch Thought of another issue I think the treeherder symbol symbol: SM-tc(en-US) should be treeherder: symbol: SM-tc(asan) or similar so it shows up correctly in treeherder
to be clear, this is not correct. This was never supposed to be a spidermonkey build Please reference the patch I submitted to mozreview.
We have another patch added by Raymond on mozreview.
Flags: needinfo?(aobreja) → needinfo?(jlund)
:rforbes if you want the mozreview patch to be reviewed, please choose someone else other than jlund as he is on pto
Flags: needinfo?(rforbes)
Attachment #8865024 - Flags: review?(jlund) → review?(aobreja)
Comment on attachment 8865024 [details] Bug 1359328 - Add a fuzzing build to taskcluster Checked the patch, added the bellow lines to get rid of some errors: -Added 'linux64-fuzzing-asan-opt' in taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/ -changed the symbol to :"symbol: tc(Bof)" on taskcluster/ci/build/linux.yml" because there was a conflict symbol with "linux64-asan/opt" Tested the patch and the build "build-linux64-asan-fuzzing/opt" was added but when pushed to try I did not get this job visible in treeherder: I don't know what else need to be changed, I'd ask someone with more experience in Taskcluster, maybe Mihai.
Flags: needinfo?(mtabara)
Attachment #8865024 - Flags: review?(aobreja)
Comment on attachment 8865024 [details] Bug 1359328 - Add a fuzzing build to taskcluster So I dug a bit: 1. The revised patch (which is basically :rforbes's patch + that whitelist adding) lies here - 2. I initially used `try: -b o -p linux64-asan -u none -t none` thinking that this would trigger the other ASAN related jobs as well but I was wrong. This created an actual asan-opt build + some related source testing. The try push lies here - 3. I then amended the actual try command to reflect the newly added plaftorm, like this: `try: -b o -p linux64-asan-fuzzing -u none -t none`. This worked smoothly and the fuzzy job got picked-up. Please note that it's listed as `tc(B)` as I left it in my patch. If, supposedebly this was an all-platforms build, it would have been difficult to spot which build is which if all of them were `tc(B)`. So again, symbols don't necessarily need to be different but it's good practice. This way you avoid the need of clicking each `tc(B)` and reading that label to identify which build is which. Things get easier when you have, say `tc(Bo Bd Bof)` for this ASAN build(s). 4. I then changed the symbol to `tc(Bof)` as :aobreja initially suggested and tried another push that lies You can see it is now depicted as `tc(Bof)`. To conclude: * the patch is good, just need to adjust the comment with whitelisting + change the platform in the try commig messagen when you push, to enforce that platform to be picked-up. * the actual fuzzy job is failing (see example from 4) above - but this is another story) * will stamp this patch with r- in order for you to pick up that whitelist change too. The rest are just nits, patch looks good ;-) ::: taskcluster/ci/build/linux.yml:250 (Diff revision 1) > custom-build-variant-cfg: asan-tc > tooltool-downloads: public > need-xvfb: true > > + > +linux64-asan-fuzzing/opt: As :aobreja said, you need to add the job name within the to whitelist the fact that you're adding a new build to the system. ::: taskcluster/ci/build/linux.yml:257 (Diff revision 1) > + index: > + product: firefox > + job-name: linux64-fuzzing-asan-opt > + treeherder: > + platform: linux64/asan > + symbol: tc(Bo) AFAIK you can leave this tc(B) as well, symbols do not (necessarily) need to be different. It's a matter of convenience. Once you get the patch working, you should be seeing in Treeherder a Linux-based platform related set of build "Linux x64" or alike (not sure if this creates a something-fuzzing or not with tc(B) there. Better double check with :kmoir on this one. ::: taskcluster/ci/build/linux.yml:270 (Diff revision 1) > + config: > + - builds/ > + - balrog/ > + script: "mozharness/scripts/" > + secrets: true > + custom-build-variant-cfg: fuzzing-asan-tc Maybe rename this to `asan-tc-and-fuzzing` to be consistent with the others? ::: testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/ (Diff revision 1) > +import os maybe rename this as well to `64_asan_tc_and_fuzzing` to be consistent with the other renames should you go down this path. ::: testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/ (Diff revision 1) > # platform/bits > build_variants = { > 'add-on-devel': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/', > 'asan': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/', > 'asan-tc': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/', > + 'fuzzing-asan-tc': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/', If you change in the taskcluster/ci/build/linux.yml file the custom-build-variant-cfg, you need to change it here too to `asan-tc-and-fuzzing`. See the other comment above.
Attachment #8865024 - Flags: review-
Clearing my NI. Feel free to make comments in the reviewboard, I'm keeping an eye on it.
Flags: needinfo?(mtabara)
:mtabara * the actual fuzzy job is failing (see example from 4) above - but this is another story)from the treeherder job? How did you find the actual task ID?
Flags: needinfo?(rforbes) → needinfo?(mtabara)
(In reply to Raymond Forbes[:rforbes] from comment #21) > :mtabara * the actual fuzzy job is failing (see example from 4) above - > but > this is another story)from the treeherder job? > > How did you find the actual task ID? a) you go to TreeHerder job b) you click on your job. in this case tc(Bof) c) a window will pop-out at the bottom of the screen with lots of information (Job Details, Failure Summary, Failure Classification, etc d) you click on "Job Details" and head there to "Inspect Task". This will take you to Taskcluster and implicit to Task Id.
Flags: needinfo?(mtabara)
Attached patch bug1359328_v3.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Recreated the patch with all the sugestions above and push it to try: The build is failing and I'm not sure if this is normal to happen on try or we should also change other things to have a working build.
Attachment #8864866 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8867714 - Flags: review?(mtabara)
Attachment #8867714 - Flags: feedback?(rforbes)
Missed this initially due to PTO. I may be getting confused between bz and mozreview but I believe there is no needinfo for me now that Andrei took the reviews and patches. Please re-request if there is something for me to look at.
Flags: needinfo?(jlund)
I updated everything and fixed a few various issues that were causing build failures. This should work now. Could you rereview? Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(aobreja)
I attached the same changes here in this patch Also tested,it seems to be fine check below the test:
Attachment #8867714 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8867714 - Flags: review?(mtabara)
Attachment #8867714 - Flags: feedback?(rforbes)
Flags: needinfo?(aobreja)
Attachment #8871725 - Flags: review+
Attachment #8865024 - Flags: review?(aobreja) → review+
Attachment #8871522 - Flags: review?(aobreja)
Attachment #8871523 - Flags: review?(aobreja)
Attachment #8871524 - Flags: review?(aobreja)
Attachment #8871522 - Flags: review?(aobreja) → review+
Attachment #8871523 - Flags: review?(aobreja) → review+
Comment on attachment 8871524 [details] Bug 1359328 - disable libstdc++ compat check for fuzzing tc build
Attachment #8871524 - Flags: review?(aobreja) → review+
Comment on attachment 8871522 [details] Bug 1359328 - Updates for fuzzing taskcluster build Reviewed by aobreja
Attachment #8871522 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8871523 [details] Bug 1359328 - update Reviewed by aobreja
Attachment #8871523 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8871524 [details] Bug 1359328 - disable libstdc++ compat check for fuzzing tc build Reviewed by aobreja
Attachment #8871524 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 8865024 [details] Bug 1359328 - Add a fuzzing build to taskcluster r+ by aobreja
Attachment #8865024 - Flags: review+
Pushed by Add a fuzzing build to taskcluster r=aobreja,decoder Updates for fuzzing taskcluster build r=aobreja,decoder update r=aobreja,decoder disable libstdc++ compat check for fuzzing tc build r=aobreja,decoder
Product: TaskCluster → Firefox Build System
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