[meta] Intermittent websocket test failures
(Core :: Networking: WebSockets, enhancement, P3)
(Reporter: valentin, Unassigned)
(Depends on 6 open bugs)
(Keywords: meta, stale-bug, Whiteboard: [necko-active])
Updated•8 years ago
Comment 2•7 years ago
Updated•7 years ago
Reporter | ||
Comment 3•3 years ago
Unassigning Michal to move bugs back to triage pool.
Updated•2 years ago
I was experimenting with websockets, and found a failure in my own code along the lines of - the server can reply with both the websocket accept header plus additional messages, which look sort of like HTML content on the first negotiation; not sure how your parser handles it.
I ended up adding a feature to my code that I can aggregate sent messages, like the header, plus the initial server messages from 'onopen' almost always. When I do this, firefox does not show the initial message in the response window.
If I do a console.log in the on-open on the browser side, then the {op:init} message does show up, but if I just get the event, and don't do anything, then the message does not show. If I send a message on the socket, then the received and sent message are shown... (and all others)...
But, if I just get the webscoket open, reply with (websocketheader)+'{op:"init"}' in the same packet, or in some way stall the browser so the TCP packets are read together....
I was also having worse problems sending large data packets, where the socket would end up disconnecting - is this thread about these issues?