Bug 1375434
Opened 8 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
Write a cron job to populate the `signatures` table from Super Search data
(Socorro :: Backend, task, P2)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: adrian, Assigned: willkg)
(3 files)
Feature URL
Parts impacted
* socorro,
* the `signatures` table is currently populated by the `update_reports_clean` stored procedure, and we want to remove that (but we want to keep the content of the `signatures` table)
* Elasticsearch, via Super Search, should be the only source of crash data and aggregations
Comment 1•7 years ago
Why do we need the signatures table?
I suspect the topcrashers page needs it. Perhaps it's because of the first_seen column. Is that the only reason to have that table?
Flags: needinfo?(adrian)
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•7 years ago
Yes, that's the table we use for the SignatureFirstDate service, which is used by topcrashers. I don't remember what else uses it. I was under the impression it was a generally useful service for our users, but you might want to challenge that assumption.
Flags: needinfo?(adrian)
Comment 3•7 years ago
The table looks like this:;
breakpad=> \d signatures
Table "public.signatures"
Column | Type | Modifiers
signature_id | integer | not null default nextval('signatures_signature_id_seq'::regclass)
signature | text |
first_report | timestamp with time zone |
first_build | numeric |
Updated•7 years ago
Assignee: nobody → peterbe
Comment 4•7 years ago
|| is quite big and non-trivial. But I'm confident it's on the right path.
We could solve this by a processor rule that has write access to postgres (adrian's idea) but it's a bit sad. The processor needs to be simple and have as few side-effects as possible. Not needing postgres would also mean we can cease to worry about making the database connection etc. Also, this feature (signatures' first date) does feel like something that belongs more towards the web app side of things. Granted, crontabber isn't the webapp but it just generally feels better of there as it's massaging the data.
The PR needs unit tests and I don't think know the best way to test it but what I had in mind is that we install it on -stage admin's crontabber job list. Then we watch the logs to see that it's spotting signatures and it should also mention that it's not inserting them (because the stored procedure has already done it). But if you manually delete some signatures from the list (of newish ones) and wait, this crontabber app should populate it.
Comment 5•7 years ago
See for why I'm un-assigning this from myself.
Assignee: peterbe → nobody
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•7 years ago
One thing I was thinking about is that maybe we should think about this as if it were a data flow. We have crashes flowing from Antenna -> Processor => various crash storage systems and by crash id already.
Maybe we should create a flow for signatures? Every time the processor computes a signature, it tosses it in a flow of signatures and we have a consumer pull those off and update Postgres.
We've got pieces of this in place already. We could use RabbitMQ which the processor already uses and write a RabbitMQ crash storage that tosses signatures into a queue. Then we also write a microservice component that consumes from the RabbitMQ queue and updates Postgres.
Seems like this would have similar properties as adding a processor rule. I wonder if there are other problems we could/should solve similarly.
Comment 7•7 years ago
(In reply to Will Kahn-Greene [:willkg] ET needinfo? me from comment #6)
> One thing I was thinking about is that maybe we should think about this as
> if it were a data flow. We have crashes flowing from Antenna -> Processor =>
> various crash storage systems and by crash id already.
> Maybe we should create a flow for signatures? Every time the processor
> computes a signature, it tosses it in a flow of signatures and we have a
> consumer pull those off and update Postgres.
> We've got pieces of this in place already. We could use RabbitMQ which the
> processor already uses and write a RabbitMQ crash storage that tosses
> signatures into a queue. Then we also write a microservice component that
> consumes from the RabbitMQ queue and updates Postgres.
> Seems like this would have similar properties as adding a processor rule. I
> wonder if there are other problems we could/should solve similarly.
I like that a lot more than a non-trivial crontabber app that spans ES and PG.
However, it might be worth "making a deal". Switch to this app nowish, then you can much more confidently switch off storing anything related to crashes in PG and disable it from the PolyCrashStorage. Once that's in place it'll be easier to innovate on new cool Jansky solutions. In other words, a cryptic "side-step" just to be able to get rid of PG based crashstorage and then add it back in but in a better way.
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•7 years ago
I can't think of a reason why we couldn't do this now--I don't think we need to wait for Jansky. I think we can implement this and throw it in the mix and it'll work just fine with the existing stuff. Then once we're happy with it, we can remove the existing stuff.
Assignee | ||
Comment 9•7 years ago
Grabbing this to do now.
Assignee: nobody → willkg
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•7 years ago
Unassigning myself from bugs I'm not immediately working on and/or have some meaningful progress on.
Assignee: willkg → nobody
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•7 years ago
Comment 13•7 years ago
Commits pushed to master at
fix bug 1375434: redo first signature maintenance
This creates a new cron job that looks at data in Elasticsearch and updates
the first_build and first_report data in the signatures table accordingly.
This job is set up to run hourly and look at a 90 minute window. That'll
help it not miss things. It also keeps the Elasticsearch queries small enough
that it can work through them quickly.
This job is set up to be resilient. If it dies in the middle--no big deal.
If there are two running at the same time--no big deal. We get enough crash
data that if we miss some things--no big deal.
Merge pull request #4434 from willkg/1375434-signatures
fix bug 1375434: redo first signature maintenance
Updated•7 years ago
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•7 years ago
We landed it, it deployed to stage, and it seems to be erroring out:
Reopening to look into that.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Assignee | ||
Updated•7 years ago
Assignee: nobody → willkg
Assignee | ||
Comment 15•7 years ago
Comment 16•7 years ago
Commits pushed to master at
fix bug 1375434: fix build_id storage
build_id is stored as a numeric in the db, so we need to convert it
before saving it.
Merge pull request #4438 from willkg/1375434-fix-update-signatures
fix bug 1375434: fix build_id storage
Updated•7 years ago
Closed: 7 years ago → 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 17•7 years ago
I messed up. The problem wasn't that it was coercing types but rather that the build id was the empty string. I'll write some code to deal with that since not all crashes have a build id.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Assignee | ||
Comment 18•7 years ago
Comment 19•7 years ago
Commits pushed to master at
fix bug 1375434: handle crashes with no build id
Some crashes don't have a build id which is why they don't "intify" well.
This skips those because we don't consider them when figuring out
first build and first date.
Merge pull request #4439 from willkg/1375434-empty-buildid
fix bug 1375434: handle crashes with no build id
Updated•7 years ago
Closed: 7 years ago → 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 20•7 years ago
Everything is on -stage right now. I checked the crontabber logs and the job is running and updating/inserting signatures. I think we're good. Hooray!
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