Closed Bug 1377830 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Approving self-suggestions does not work when the filter is set to missing


(Webtools Graveyard :: Pontoon, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mstanke, Assigned: mathjazz)


STR: 1) Open a project with missing strings. 2) Open a file with missing strings and let only missing strings displayed (status=missing in the URL query). 3) Create suggestions for the strings. 4) Select them all. 5) Click Approve All. What happens: The strings do not get approved, only the arrows on the buttons are spinning. When you set the filter for suggestions (status=suggested), approving the same strings work as expected.
I'm unable to reproduce this so far. Let's see if I understand correctly: 1. I go to 2. I turn sugestions on and submit one. 3. I select it for mass editing and click Approve All. Everything works as expected for me. Are these the right steps to reproduce? Do you see any errors in the Console? Anything unexpected in the response in the Network tab?
Yes, these steps are right. I haven't been watching the network tab, but nothing was in the console except bug 1377831, which is there in all cases. I will try to reproduce on staging or intro once again and collect more info.
OK, I am able to reproduce in staging. So the exact steps on staging I have done now. 1) Go to 2) Translate all eight strings there (e.g. xxx). 3) Select the first one for mass actions. 4) Click Select all in the top right. 5) Click Approve all button. The button starts spinning, but there is actually no request to the server. The last one I see in the network tab is POST to which fires when you click Select all. No errors in the console, only two 400 requests to translation-memory (probably another bug, I will check them too ;) ).
Btw. delete all also does not work.
One more observation, if you select the strings one by one (not using the select all), it works.
Oh, I didn't know Select All was required. Now I was able to reproduce. Taking.
Assignee: nobody → m
Priority: -- → P2
Commit pushed to master at Fix bug 1377830: Fix selecting all entities (#624) Previously, when selecting all entities for mass actions, we loaded PKs of all entities that match the selected criteria for the string list. We have to do this, because we use paging and not all entites are loaded in the string list. The problem with this approach is that some strings could have changed state since they were loaded in the string list. For example, if only missing strings were filtered, and we translated them, Select all would not return such strings. Now we concatenate those strings returned from the server with the selected strings on the client side.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Commit pushed to master at Bug 1377830: Remove duplicates from array without using ES6 (#628) So that django-pipeline doesn't throw an error on compression
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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