Closed Bug 1379953 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

AJAX Error Status Code 0


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

55 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: treyt1997, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0 Build ID: 20170706085220 Steps to reproduce: Testing my ajax script in firefox. I use firefox 100% of the time, except for testing where I'll use others. So development of my script and tested locally it all works (windows machine). Push to repo to test on development server (Linux) and my ajax functions returns a statusCode of 0 and statusText of 'error'. I tested in Chrome to see if it was my code or a more specific thing and Chrome works with the dev server. Actual results: ajax log results returned statusCode 0 with the statusText of 'error'. Expected results: My ajax scripts should have completed their tasks.
can you provide a testcase?
Flags: needinfo?(treyt1997)
(In reply to Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] from comment #1) > can you provide a testcase? as in? :) as in provide a link for testing? If so, unfortunately I can't as the development server is all internal
Flags: needinfo?(treyt1997)
Ok an update - this only happens on Firefox Developer Edition (my main browser). Tested in Standard Firefox and works just fine - bug for just DE
does the issue happen on safe mode and clean profile? if so, can you try figuring out when the issue started happening, by using mozregression tool?
Safe mode fixes the issue - didn't try the profiles thing
then it's likely that one of your extension is causing the issue. try disabling all of them and enabling one by one to see which one is causing the issue.
Ah good shout, will try that and let you know what happens :)
(In reply to Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] from comment #6) > then it's likely that one of your extension is causing the issue. > try disabling all of them and enabling one by one to see which one is > causing the issue. I enabled 1 by 1 and it was 4/5 that worked, the 1 being uBlock Origin. So that's now perma-disabled haha thank you for your help :)
I guess, it would mean that the URL of the AJAX target hits some filter (maybe it contains "ad" or something, or perhaps the URL is somehow stored to the filtering target), you could look into the filters. anyway, not a Firefox bug.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
No I raised it as a bug with the extension developers, happy to close this :) Thanks again for your help :D
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