Closed Bug 1384101 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

v55b11 seems slow again. (Adminer 4.3.1)


(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)

55 Branch
Not set



Performance Impact low


(Reporter: frank, Unassigned)


(Keywords: regression, regressionwindow-wanted)


(7 files)

Hi, I am a massive multitab user and use both beta and regular. ((I have unconfirmed bugs concerning v54.0.1 performance and Today I received v55b11. I do not think I changed my usage pattern over night, I have no changes to plugins. v55b10 felt quite performant and stable here. But v55b11 got slow very very fast. I started doing profiles every few minutes: 1. 2. When I tried to do the third profile, firefox crashed: 3. Yes, it can be that one addon too much, or that one malicious website. In any case it would be interesting, if someone could find, what is the reason.
Component: General → Untriaged
Whiteboard: [qf]
Hello Frank, That sounds like a possible memory leak. The profiles you've posted have limited details because they were gathered on Beta and not Nightly (which gives us the highest level of detail possible), but I think (at least in the first profile), I see quite a bit of garbage collection going on. That's sometimes an indicator that Firefox is consuming a lot of memory and is doing its best to reduce it as much as possible. The crash is an OOM (out-of-memory), which also suggests lots of memory consumption. If you're able to reproduce this reliably, what I'd suggest you do next is to gather and post an about:memory report to see if there's something obvious consuming lots of memory. If you have the time, can you try gathering and posting that report?
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
Not at office today any more. Had one more crash today at office after the submitted one. Confident, it will happen again tomorrow, will try to remember about:memory.
Please troubleshoot with safe mode with extensions disabled:
[:kohei] that is the problem, since about version 40 stable running time of Firefox is decreasing here (with some intermediate ups and downs). It used to be weeks, now it is hours, and we had even worse versions in between. I try to help by bug reports, I have uninstalled many plugins, some cause they were found bad in other tickets, but I cannot do 2 hours of daily business in a Firefox without any plugin. If I let the good plugins away a major reason for Firefox as a browser is gone. If I cannot open many tabs, a major reason for Firefox is gone. And, beta 10 was still "nearly a day of work", beta 11 is around "2 hours", so one might ask, what changed. [:mconley] Got greeted by immediate Firefox crash this morning when my Notebook came back from sleep. I will start adding memory dumps now.
Attached file memory-report.json.gz
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
Now ff gets really hard to use again. Tab change takes seconds, my typed letters here, show up in badges of 15, with now visible response in between.
The last, few minutes before the crash. I also have intermediate reports, if it is helpful, ask for it. Firefox updated after crash, I am on b12 now.
The page seems to be consuming almost 1GB of memory. If you close that page, does performance improve?
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
As said, I went to beta 12 by "accident". Beta 12 without Google Cloud Console has not crashed today and "only" raised from 1.0 GB to 1.7 so far today (6 hours). Maybe Google sabotages Firefox? Do you need memory-reports?
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
Are you still able to reproduce the issue with beta 12?
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
Whiteboard: [qf] → [qf:p3]
Well, as I told: With beta 12 and without that Google Cloud Console no issue within 6 hours, before it came after 2 hours. Tomorrow I will do: Beta 12 + Google Cloud Console, then we will see, if it is b12 or the console.
Hmm, the first profile in comment 0 has a lot of GC in it. I wonder if this is related to bug 1272147...
Err, I meant to say bug 1374797!
Beta 12, with Google Cloud Console Tab for more then 2 hours of usage. Did you change something? By experience with b11 would have been 1 more GB or RAM and a crash.
Flags: needinfo?(frank)
Later with the Google Console, memory usage starts to raise again. Still no comparison to yesterday.
I now hope many of my performance/memory bug reports during the last year are variants of Bug 1374797.
Now working a full day on beta 13. Firefox is still on 1.7GB, 1GB of the 2.7GB problem area. When I close tabs, memory consumption actually decreases. If there are still leaks, they are much smaller than before. Great!
(In reply to Frank Nestel from comment #19) > Now working a full day on beta 13. Firefox is still on 1.7GB, 1GB of the > 2.7GB problem area. When I close tabs, memory consumption actually > decreases. If there are still leaks, they are much smaller than before. > Great! Great, thanks Frank!
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Performance Impact: --- → P3
Whiteboard: [qf:p3]
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