Closed Bug 1392807 Opened 7 years ago Closed 6 years ago

chatzilla fails to start with latest comm-central


(Other Applications :: ChatZilla, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ch-moz2, Assigned: rginda)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0 Build ID: 20170820103407 Steps to reproduce: launch chatzilla Actual results: An error dialog appears saying "There was a run-time error with ChatZilla. Please report the following information:" NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS: Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsISupports.QueryInterface] @ <chrome://chatzilla/content/lib/js/pref-manager.js> 52 PrefManager@chrome://chatzilla/content/lib/js/pref-manager.js:52:9 initPrefs@chrome://chatzilla/content/prefs.js:16:26 init@chrome://chatzilla/content/static.js:126:5 onLoad@chrome://chatzilla/content/handlers.js:56:9 onload@chrome://chatzilla/content/chatzilla.xul:1:1 + toString (function) 3 lines + name (string) 'NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS' + message (string) 'Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsISupports.QueryInterface]' + result (number) 2153185289 + filename (string) 'chrome://chatzilla/content/lib/js/pref-manager.js' + lineNumber (number) 52 + columnNumber (number) 0 + data (object) null + stack (string) 270 chars + location (object) * Expected results: chatzilla should have launched.
This seems like a dupe of bug 1389449 - doesn't seamonkey ship trunk cz?
Flags: needinfo?(frgrahl)
> This seems like a dupe of bug 1389449 - doesn't seamonkey ship trunk cz? We do but it usually needs to be manually updated if the version doesn't change. Should be in the if someone wants to extract it but it is not signed: 2.54 itself isn't currently much good for anything. I am wating for the tree to stabilize a bit more before I fix the errors.
Flags: needinfo?(frgrahl)
It seems that in the 2.54 nightly from 10-Sep-2017, Chatzilla errors out with the following message: Timestamp: 9/10/2017, 3:19:00 PM Error: TypeError: client.deck is undefined Source File: chrome://chatzilla/content/handlers.js Line: 10 The line in question: for (var i = 0; i < client.deck.childNodes.length; i++) Chatzilla version in question is the latest nightly: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.54a1/20170910061624]
(In reply to John Duncan from comment #3) > It seems that in the 2.54 nightly from 10-Sep-2017, Chatzilla errors out > with the following message: > > Timestamp: 9/10/2017, 3:19:00 PM > Error: TypeError: client.deck is undefined > Source File: chrome://chatzilla/content/handlers.js > Line: 10 > > The line in question: > > for (var i = 0; i < client.deck.childNodes.length; i++) > > Chatzilla version in question is the latest nightly: > > ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.54a1/20170910061624] This feels like a separate (new?) issue to comment 0 given the different error. Frank, can you confirm?
Flags: needinfo?(frgrahl)
Yes must be a new issue. I looked at it yesterday but was unable to find the cause. Probably because of scope changes. Not sure. There were lot of removals and changes in the is area in the last weeks. I am quite sure this bug here is fixed/invalid but we can either remodel it or create a new one.
Flags: needinfo?(frgrahl)
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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