Open Bug 1399423 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Restarting pulseaudio kills audiocapture until Firefox restart


(Core :: Audio/Video: cubeb, defect, P3)

55 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox57 --- affected


(Reporter: pehrsons, Unassigned)


STR: 1. Start Firefox 2. Go to and click audio, approve the permission prompt 3. Reload the same page 4. In your terminal run `pulseaudio --kill`. For me, it is automatically restarted. Check with `pulseaudio --check; echo $?` which should print 0 5. In Firefox, still at gum_test.html, click audio Expected: Permission prompt and/or functioning audio capture Actual: gUM rejected with NotFoundError
This is a regression, it used to work, Ford_Prefect made us a patch for that ages ago.
Keywords: regression
It's at least broken in both 55 and 57 for me.
Version: 57 Branch → 55 Branch
Mozregression gives me [1], that contains [2]: "Matthew Gregan — Bug 837563 - Enable libcubeb's PulseAudio backend. r=glandium" Before that we seemed to use alsa. There are a bunch of versions where I get a single device "default:" instead of an error, but I classified that as not working. If I bisect on when those turned into NotFoundError instead I get [3], which is probably due to [4]: "Bug 1243857: enable full_duplex audio for webrtc via cubeb rs=jesup". Doesn't look like a regression to me. [1] [2] [3] [4]
Keywords: regression
Rank: 26
Priority: -- → P2
Mass change P2->P3 to align with new Mozilla triage process.
Priority: P2 → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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