Closed Bug 1410508 Opened 7 years ago Closed 5 years ago

With a combination of JPEGs and PDFs attachments, one of the PDFs doesn't download


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bug-str, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0 Build ID: 20171002220106 Steps to reproduce: Summary: the first PDF attachment (of several) of a message in IMAP-connected account cannot be viewed or saved → the PDF attachment of message in non-synchronised IMAP folder is saved as 0-bytes file if it follows non-inline attachment images and is followed by another PDF. I am using 52.4.0 (32-bit), and I just encountered a very similar (I suspect related) bug with the message that has 2 inline PNG images, and 7 attachments: 5 JPEGs and 2 PDFs. The PDFs are the last two. The last PDF is downloaded fine. The length of the first PDF is not displayed in the "Attachments" panel at the bottom, and when saved, it is saved as 0-byte file. The attachment in question downloads just fine in alpine. The account is accessed via IMAP, and configured not to keep messages stored offline. The bug is similar in behavior to Bug 1395620, but "in reverse": the JPEGs are fine, but the PDF file suffers. Also, when I go to a different message and then come back to the message in question, Thunderbird endlessly (or for a very long time) shows " Downloading message..." in the bottom status line, and sometimes (1) doesn't display any message, (2) when opened in a separate tab, continues displaying the content of a message in another tab, if switching between the tabs. Once that starts happening, only closing Thunderbird and restarting it again helps opening that message again. Actual results: One of the two PDFs downloaded with 0 length. Expected results: All attachments should download correctly
If I "delete" all other (non-inline) images, and the last PDF (using right-click option in Thunderbird), - the PDF in question can be downloaded just fine, and its size is displayed in the bottom panel correctly. (The only problem in that case is that the text encoding for the text body gets messed up in that case.)
Please send a sample to jorg
Component: Untriaged → Networking: IMAP
Flags: needinfo?(bug-str)
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
Version: 52 Branch → 52
Sorry, I was unable to forward a message that displays this bug reliably. As soon as I forward the original "problematic" message to myself, it display fine. Also, the original message starts showing fine after a few days. However, if I restart Thunderbird, then later the same message can again display problems with the attachments. It looks like it is related to the fact that I do not store messages locally (keeping the only on the IMAP server), and the problem occurs during initial download.

Many attchment issues have been fixed in the past year. If you can still reproduce this with version 68, then we still need a message sample.

Closed: 5 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(bug-str)
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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