Closed Bug 1415287 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Ship a system add-on to fix bug 1414965 on older versions of Firefox


(Firefox :: Search, enhancement)

57 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: mkaply, Assigned: mkaply)



(2 files)

We are going to ship a system add-on to accomplish what bug 1414965 on older versions of Firefox. Currently targeting 46-56.
It would be nice if this could be imported into alongside the other one-offs, as it can also be reviewed more easily that way.
Didn't know about that. Will do.
Thanks Mike for the bug. Is the addon ready to be tested?
Code is here: Yes, add-on is ready to be tested (and can be tested via about:debugging). Need it signed to do complete verification.
Jason Thomas can help us sign the addon. Do we need to sign before or after QA signs off?
Flags: needinfo?(jthomas)
Ryan, Can you provide QA sign off once testing is completed?
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
:wezhou will sign.
Flags: needinfo?(jthomas) → needinfo?(wezhou)
Attached file signed.8926050.xpi
Signed file attached. Please test.
Flags: needinfo?(wezhou)
Thanks jason and wezhou for your prompt action!
@Ritu - We have existing rules set up in Balrog for 46-56 (about 15 in total). Each of which is shipping different addons to different releases. I know we definitely still care about the addons being shipped to 56. But I was wondering whether we still need to be shipping the other addons we are shipping to older releases or if we can replace all of those rules with a single rule for 46-55 that just ships this addon?
Flags: needinfo?(rkothari)
I think we need to review which SAO were shipped to 46-56 in the past. If none of those are needed anymore, yes those can be removed. Hope that helps!
Flags: needinfo?(rkothari)
QA has asked about putting the system add-on in release-sysaddon so they can test before release. Can anyone confirm how that is done? Thank you.
Update from QA: we verified the functionality associated to this SAO by manually installing it on several versions, platforms and using different proxies to simulate real-life scenarios -- our tests passed. Detailed test results available here: As Mike already mentioned (Comment 13), we usually test SAOs on intermediary/test update channels (e.g. such as release-sysaddon) before pushing them to official channels. Our recommendation is to do the same in this case, because this way we'll be checking what end-users will actually experience when this is released.
Thanks you Andrei for testing the SAO! Mike, Andrei, I am taking to the GoFaster team. They are figuring out the best way to get the rules up in test channel (release-sysaddon). This one seems tricky since it covers all channels from 46 - 56. They may need to write a script to pull the existing rules and use them to create new rules since there are so many versions. Once the test channel rules are set up, we will update this ticket so QA can test and approve and then it can be pushed live.
Script's done! I used the aforementioned script to add the add-on to all the rules for versions 46-56 on the release-sysaddon test channel. I tested manually that the add-on was installed successfully on a few of the versions in the range via Balrog. This should be ready for testing as per comment 14.
Flags: needinfo?(andrei.vaida)
Once QA sign offs on the test channel we will push the SAO live (likely tomorrow AM PT)
We finished testing the 'release-sysaddon' update channel and things are overall looking good, with a few exceptions that will need clarification. Detailed test results are available in the same google doc, but for quick referencing: - the instructions we used to test 'release-sysaddon' are in this section: - the test results associated to the 'release-sysaddon' update channel are available in this section: Mike, Shilpi, please take look at the items that need clarification before pushing this to 'release'.
Flags: needinfo?(shilpi)
Flags: needinfo?(mozilla)
Flags: needinfo?(andrei.vaida)
I see Mike has responded to comments in the test plan document. If there are no fixes needed, can QA give a sign off to ship to release?
Flags: needinfo?(shilpi) → needinfo?(andrei.vaida)
The rules have been added to the release channel and are ready for relman and QA signoff
Last step remaining - We will need Relman and QA to sign it on in balrog to ship out in release. Ryanvm and Ritu, Can you please sign it off in Balrog? Awesome work Rehan and Osmose! Thank you!
Flags: needinfo?(rkothari)
I'd like Andrei and his team to review Mike's replies in the morning to make sure everything is copacetic with them before signing off.
Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
All the points from our test plan have been clarified, QA has no other concerns. I've signed off in Balrog.
Flags: needinfo?(andrei.vaida)
signed off for relman, these changes are now live.
Closed: 7 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(rkothari)
Flags: needinfo?(mozilla)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thank you all for the great work!
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