Open Bug 1431376 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Consider where bookmarks are imported to when importing HTML


(Firefox :: Bookmarks & History, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: standard8, Unassigned)



There's several requests on file for importing HTML bookmarks and where the bookmarks end up. Lets consolidate them here to be assessed as one, since they can be. Currently the bookmarks are all imported into the bookmarks menu folder: - bookmarks that were in "Bookmarks Menu" are added to the same folder - bookmarks that were in "Bookmarks Toolbar" or "Other Bookmarks" are added to new folders of the same name underneath "Bookmarks Menu". The existing requests are for: - Importing everything into a new folder (bug 427062). - Importing into the original locations (bug 526958), not just the menu folder. There's probably other options as well.
From bug 1432730: Add an option to replace all.
Severity: normal → S3
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