Closed Bug 1442522 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Add simple static message about lando being a pre-release


(Conduit :: Lando, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: imadueme, Assigned: imadueme)



(Keywords: conduit-triaged)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

No description provided.
How customizable do you envision this being out of the gate? Should we be able to change the banner only by redeploying, or should there be a way to do that without a deploy. Either way I'll create some mockups that try to catch the user's attention without being distracting.
Flags: needinfo?(mcote)
We should be able to set the message without deploy.
Oh definitely it should be without a redeploy. I'm going to put this on the backlog for now. Go ahead a make a mock-up or two if you like, but we'll schedule actual work on this for down the road.
Flags: needinfo?(mcote)
Keywords: conduit-triaged
Whiteboard: [phabricator-backlog]
Sorry, just re-reading the subject and remembering our discussion about this being specifically for pre-release. Actually, for this specific thing, something static is actually okay. It'll be a deploy that brings this from pre-release to general release anyway. I'll have this block the pre-release milestone, but please make it as simple as possible. :)
Blocks: 1441728
Whiteboard: [phabricator-backlog]
Attached image MOTD-revision-page-no-button.png (obsolete) —
mcote: added a screenshot of no-close-button. As I said in the meeting I think the ability to close the MOTD is needed for users that have a small screen. On a small screen (or a resized window for multitasking) there is a chance the MOTD could overshadow important content. Instead of the tempting X button, I could also just make the entire MOTD clickable; so the user's that actually need to remove it can do so without distracting other users. I like this idea the most. Also feedback on color and text content/size/color is appreciated.
Flags: needinfo?(mcote)
Summary: Add simple message of the day banner and initial message about lando being a pre-release → Add simple static message about lando being a pre-release
Attachment #8959175 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Flags: needinfo?(mcote)
Assignee: nobody → imadueme
Commenting here that mcote approves this design.
Comment on attachment 8959217 [details] navbar: add static message about lando being in pre-release Steven MacLeod [:smacleod] has approved the revision.
Attachment #8959217 - Flags: review+
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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