Bug 1442636
Opened 7 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
Add Access-Control-Max-Age header to reduce additional CORS preflight requests
(Taskcluster :: Services, enhancement)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: emorley, Assigned: fiennyangeln, Mentored)
Currently the CORS preflight request isn't cached, meaning that every call to requires a preflight request.
This can be seen by visiting and then hitting refresh. With preflight caching, the second load could avoid the OPTIONS request - but I'm presuming this affects the every 15 minute auth renewal used by tc-tools and Treeherder.
In addition, when using things like custom actions, Treeherder currently makes multiple requests to (a bug in its own right, but still), resulting in many unnecessary preflight requests:
14:59:57.820 OPTIONS XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 477ms]
14:59:57.992 OPTIONS XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 481ms]
14:59:58.007 OPTIONS XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 321ms]
14:59:58.101 OPTIONS XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 109ms]
14:59:58.117 GET XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 3500ms]
14:59:58.117 GET XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 4148ms]
14:59:58.226 GET XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 4813ms]
14:59:58.320 GET XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 5265ms]
As such I think it would be useful to add an `Access-Control-Max-Age` header to at least, and also possibly some of the other sites too (though as I understand it, the CORS headers are only cached for the exact resource URL, so URLs containing task IDs would have a low cache hit rate).
Docs here:
Reporter | ||
Comment 1•7 years ago
s/but I'm presuming this affects/and I'm presuming this also affects/
Comment 2•7 years ago
This is a good idea - thanks!
We set Access-Control-* headers for all APIs here:
so this would mean adding the header Ed has described to that code. Once that's done, we can make a new release of the library and then upgrade other services to use the new version.
Mentor: dustin
Component: Login → Platform Libraries
Assignee | ||
Comment 3•7 years ago
Hi. I submitted PR for this please review. Thank youu!!
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Updated•7 years ago
Assignee: nobody → fiennyangeln
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment 4•7 years ago
Commit pushed to master at
Add Access-Control-Max Age header
Add Access-Control-Max-Age header and set it to be 900 (15 minutes). It is
used to reduce additional CORS Preflight requests
Bug 1442636
Comment 5•7 years ago
Pushed as taskcluster-lib-api@6.1.0 -- once Travis-CI builds that it should appear at Then on to updating the services!!
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•7 years ago
do you mean adding theallowedCORSOrigin to be true as option to be passed when creating API on that service? :D
Because it seems like it is already defaulted to use the allowedCORSOrigin based on this
Since on the Hooks, auth, queue repo, they dont specify it as option, so the default one (the allowed cors origin) is used.
Is my understanding correct ? :D or is it actually something else to be updated?
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment 7•7 years ago
You're correct. All we need to do is update the version of taskcluster-lib-api that each of those services use. It's not the most exciting part of the job since it's just running the same command in a bunch of repositories, but it's part of the job and we do it quite often. So let's pick a service -- say, secrets -- and upgrade it and then check that the new header is in place. If it is, we can do the rest of the services.
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•7 years ago
So, like updating the package.json and see if the header is in place? Will do it :D
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment 9•7 years ago
Yes, but use `yarn upgrade --latest taskcluster-lib-api` as that will also change the yarn-lock file.
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•7 years ago
Hi Dustin, I try to work on Hooks first to update it, there is this error
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Option 'name' must be provided
which is caused by the when call the api does not provide parameter name which is now required. So I added name into it. I checked using console.log that the Header is in place.
Please review
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment 11•7 years ago
Nice job figuring out why that error occurred and fixing it :)
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment 12•7 years ago
Commit pushed to master at
Upgrade the taskcluster-lib-api
Upgrade to the latest taskcluster-lib-api, add 'name' as parameter
since it is becoming a required parameter.
Related to Bug 1442636
Comment 13•7 years ago
Deployed -- did it work?
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•7 years ago
Sorry but i dont understand what you mean .. When i printed out the response, I see the Access-Control-Max-Header with value of 900. Is there any other way to test it? :D should i continue upgrading the rest?
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment 15•7 years ago
That's what I meant -- sounds good! So yes, carry on!
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Assignee | ||
Comment 16•7 years ago
Dustin, I have upgraded most of the services. However, for some services ( events, aws, tree-herder, host-secrets, and tools ), they either have different version of Node / does not have the lib-api as dependency inside their package.json..
For pulse, it is a bit different. The test fails because we declare scopes inside it which is not in the right format. This is what the scopes be, and the error is caused by [ [ 'pulse:namespace:<namespace>' ] ] being passed ( error is resulted from this line :
so i changed the format of scopes to be
scopes: {AllOf:
Do you think I can do this way?
Then for the rest which does not have taskcluster-lib-api as dependency do we need to upgrade them as well? (some of them use version 3 of the lib-api, which i think might be because of different Node version)
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment 17•7 years ago
(In reply to Fienny Angelina from comment #16)
> Dustin, I have upgraded most of the services. However, for some services (
> events, aws, tree-herder, host-secrets, and tools ), they either have
> different version of Node / does not have the lib-api as dependency inside
> their package.json..
Great! Yes, that's a list of the more "oddball" services we run. Good job skipping them :)
> For pulse, it is a bit different. The test fails because we declare scopes
> inside it
> which is not in the right format. This is what the scopes be, and the error
> is caused by [ [ 'pulse:namespace:<namespace>' ] ] being passed ( error is
> resulted from this line :
> js#L774)
> so i changed the format of scopes to be
> scopes: {AllOf:
> ['pulse:namespace:<namespace>'],
> },
> Do you think I can do this way?
Absolutely, and I'm really happy you took the initiative to figure that out :)
> Then for the rest which does not have taskcluster-lib-api as dependency do
> we need to upgrade them as well? (some of them use version 3 of the lib-api,
> which i think might be because of different Node version)
Nope, don't worry about those.
I've assigned all of the PR's for review, but really that means "please merge and carefully deploy" more than "review" since it's a one-line change. That will happen over the next few days, but there's not really anything left for you to do here other than watch while your code gets put into production all over the place :)
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Comment 18•7 years ago
Commit pushed to master at
Upgrade tc-lib-api (#87)
Upgrade taskcluster-lib-api to carry Access-Control-Max-Age
Related to Bug 1442636
Comment 19•7 years ago
Commit pushed to master at
Upgrade tc-lib-api
Upgrade taskcluster-lib-api to carry Access-Control-Max-Age
Related to Bug 1442636
Comment 20•7 years ago
Commit pushed to master at
Upgrade taskcluster-lib-api version
Upgrade taskcluster-lib-api version to the newest one. It is to
enable Access-Control-Max-Age
Related to Bug 1442636
Comment 21•7 years ago
Commit pushed to master at
Upgrade taskcluster-lib-api
Upgrade taskcluster-lib-api to carry Access-Control-Max-Age
Related to Bug 1442636
Comment 22•7 years ago
This is completed -- all services except aws-provisioner and ec2-manager have since been upgraded.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•6 years ago
Component: Platform Libraries → Services
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