Closed Bug 1445877 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 10047 - [web-animations] Update timing interfaces


(Core :: DOM: Animation, enhancement, P1)




Tracking Status
firefox61 --- fixed


(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])

Sync web-platform-tests PR 10047 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete). PR: Details from upstream follow. Brian Birtles wrote: > [web-animations] Update timing interfaces > > These are the tests for
Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream] → [wptsync downstream error]
Component: web-platform-tests → DOM: Animation
Product: Testing → Core
Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream error] → [wptsync downstream]
Ran 63 tests and 3178[linux64-stylo-disabled-debug,linux64-stylo-disabled-opt], 3215[linux32-debug,linux32-opt,linux64-debug,linux64-opt] subtests OK : 63 PASS : 3121[linux32-debug,linux32-opt,linux64-debug,linux64-opt], 3073[linux64-stylo-disabled-debug,linux64-stylo-disabled-opt] FAIL : 105[linux64-stylo-disabled-debug,linux64-stylo-disabled-opt], 94[linux32-debug,linux32-opt,linux64-debug,linux64-opt] Existing tests that now have a worse result (e.g. they used to PASS and now FAIL): /web-animations/animation-model/keyframe-effects/effect-value-iteration-composite-operation.html duration changes with an iteration composition operation of accumulate: FAIL /web-animations/interfaces/Animatable/animate.html Element.animate() accepts a KeyframeAnimationOptions argument: FAIL Element.animate() accepts a double as an options argument: FAIL Element.animate() accepts an absent options argument: FAIL /web-animations/interfaces/Animatable/getAnimations.html Returns animations based on dynamic changes to individual animations' duration: FAIL Returns animations based on dynamic changes to individual animations' end delay: FAIL Returns animations based on dynamic changes to individual animations' iteration count: FAIL /web-animations/interfaces/Animation/cancel.html After cancelling an animation, it can still be seeked: FAIL /web-animations/interfaces/Animation/finished.html Test finished promise changes for animation duration changes: FAIL /web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/idlharness.html KeyframeEffect interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL KeyframeEffect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL /web-animations/timing-model/animation-effects/phases-and-states.html Phase calculation for a simple animation effect: FAIL Phase calculation for a simple animation effect with negative playback rate: FAIL Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative end delay equal in magnitude to the active duration: FAIL Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative end delay greater in magnitude than the active duration: FAIL Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative end delay lesser in magnitude than the active duration: FAIL Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative start delay: FAIL Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative start delay and a negative end delay equal greater in magnitude than the active duration: FAIL Phase calculation for an animation effect with a negative start delay and a negative end delay equal in magnitude to the active duration: FAIL Phase calculation for an animation effect with a positive end delay: FAIL Phase calculation for an animation effect with a positive start delay: FAIL Phase calculation for an animation effect with a positive start delay and a negative end delay lesser in magnitude than the active duration: FAIL /web-animations/timing-model/animations/updating-the-finished-state.html Updating the finished state when current time is unresolved: FAIL Updating the finished state when playing before end: FAIL Updating the finished state when start time is unresolved and did seek = false: FAIL Updating the finished state when there is a pending task: FAIL New tests that have failures or other problems: /web-animations/interfaces/Animatable/animate.html Element.animate() accepts a duration of 'auto' using a dictionary object: FAIL /web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/updateTiming.html Allows setting iterations to a double value: FAIL Allows setting iterations to infinity: FAIL Allows setting the delay of an animation in progress: large negative delay that causes the animation to be finished: FAIL Allows setting the delay of an animation in progress: negative delay that seeks into the active interval: FAIL Allows setting the delay of an animation in progress: positive delay that causes the animation to be no longer in-effect: FAIL Allows setting the delay to a negative number: FAIL Allows setting the delay to a positive number: FAIL Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'alternate' to 'alternate-reverse': FAIL Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'normal' to 'alternate': FAIL Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'normal' to 'reverse': FAIL Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'normal' to 'reverse' while at start of active interval: FAIL Allows setting the direction of an animation in progress from 'normal' to 'reverse' while filling backwards: FAIL Allows setting the direction to each of the possible keywords: FAIL Allows setting the duration of an animation in progress: FAIL Allows setting the duration of an animation in progress such that the the start and current time do not change: FAIL Allows setting the duration to 123.45: FAIL Allows setting the duration to Infinity: FAIL Allows setting the duration to auto: FAIL Allows setting the easing of an animation in progress: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a ease function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a ease-in function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a ease-in-out function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a ease-out function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a easing function which produces values greater than 1: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a easing function which produces values less than 1: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a frames function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a linear function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a step-end function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a step-start function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a steps(1) function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a steps(1, end) function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a steps(1, start) function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a steps(2, end) function: FAIL Allows setting the easing to a steps(2, start) function: FAIL Allows setting the endDelay to a negative number: FAIL Allows setting the endDelay to a positive number: FAIL Allows setting the fill to 'backwards': FAIL Allows setting the fill to 'both': FAIL Allows setting the fill to 'forwards': FAIL Allows setting the fill to 'none': FAIL Allows setting the iterationStart of an animation in progress: active phase: FAIL Allows setting the iterationStart of an animation in progress: backwards-filling: FAIL Allows setting the iterationStart of an animation in progress: forwards-filling: FAIL Allows setting the iterations of an animation in progress: FAIL Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'cubic-bezier(0.1, 5, 0.23, 0)': FAIL Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'ease': FAIL Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'ease-in': FAIL Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'ease-in-out': FAIL Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'ease-out': FAIL Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'frames(3)': FAIL Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'linear': FAIL Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'steps(3)': FAIL Updates the specified value when setting the easing to 'steps(3, start)': FAIL /web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/constructor.html A KeyframeEffect constructed by +Infinity: FAIL A KeyframeEffect constructed by a double value: FAIL A KeyframeEffect constructed by a forwards fill: FAIL A KeyframeEffect constructed by a normal KeyframeEffectOptions object: FAIL A KeyframeEffect constructed by an Infinity duration: FAIL A KeyframeEffect constructed by an Infinity iterations: FAIL A KeyframeEffect constructed by an auto duration: FAIL A KeyframeEffect constructed by an auto fill: FAIL A KeyframeEffect constructed by an empty KeyframeEffectOptions object: FAIL A KeyframeEffect constructed without any KeyframeEffectOptions object: FAIL easing values are parsed correctly when passed to the KeyframeEffect constructor in KeyframeEffectOptions: FAIL /web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/copy-constructor.html Copied KeyframeEffect has the same timing content: FAIL /web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/idlharness.html KeyframeEffect interface: operation getKeyframes(): FAIL
(For what it's worth, we're expecting these to fail. We want to merge the failing tests then fix the code in tree.)
This is blocking all work on Web Animations at the moment.
Priority: P4 → P1
Pushed by [wpt PR 10047] - [web-animations] Update timing interfaces, a=testonly [wpt PR 10047] - Update wpt metadata, a=testonly
Blocks: 1456394
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