Closed Bug 1456016 Opened 7 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Intermittent devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser_accessibility_context_menu_browser.js | Test timed out -


(DevTools :: Accessibility Tools, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: ncsoregi [at] 16:01:35 INFO - TEST-START | devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser_accessibility_context_menu_browser.js 16:01:36 INFO - GECKO(1890) | Unable to read VR Path Registry from /Users/cltbld/Library/Application Support/OpenVR/.openvr/openvrpaths.vrpath 16:01:36 INFO - GECKO(1890) | JavaScript error: resource:///modules/ContextMenu.jsm, line 519: TypeError: doc is null 16:01:36 INFO - GECKO(1890) | 2018-04-22 16:01:36.294 plugin-container[1896:8734] *** CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1100 (0x44c) 'Permission denied', port = 0x9a4b, name = '' 16:01:36 INFO - GECKO(1890) | See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes. 16:01:37 INFO - GECKO(1890) | Unable to read VR Path Registry from /Users/cltbld/Library/Application Support/OpenVR/.openvr/openvrpaths.vrpath 16:01:37 INFO - GECKO(1890) | 2018-04-22 16:01:37.219 plugin-container[1897:8908] *** CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1100 (0x44c) 'Permission denied', port = 0x9143, name = '' 16:01:37 INFO - GECKO(1890) | See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes. 16:01:50 INFO - GECKO(1890) | 2018-04-22 16:01:50.493 firefox[1890:8561] Persistent UI failed to open file file:///Users/cltbld/Library/Saved%20Application%20State/org.mozilla.nightly.savedState/ No such file or directory (2) 16:02:20 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screencapture 16:02:21 INFO - TEST-INFO | screencapture: exit 0 16:02:21 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 16:01:35 16:02:21 INFO - Entering test bound testNoShowAccessibilityPropertiesContextMenu 16:02:21 INFO - Adding a new tab with URL: data:text/html;charset=UTF-8,%3Ch1%20id%3D%22h1%22%3Eheader%3C%2Fh1%3E%3Cp%20id%3D%22p%22%3Eparagraph%3C%2Fp%3E 16:02:21 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm" line: 170}] 16:02:21 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 16:01:36 16:02:21 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm" line: 170}] 16:02:21 INFO - Tab added and finished loading 16:02:21 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: doc is null" {file: "resource:///modules/ContextMenu.jsm" line: 519}] 16:02:21 INFO - Buffered messages finished 16:02:21 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser_accessibility_context_menu_browser.js | Test timed out - 16:02:21 INFO - Removing tab. 16:02:21 INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement]. 16:02:21 INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement]. 16:02:21 INFO - Tab removed and finished closing 16:02:21 INFO - Cleaning up... 16:02:21 INFO - GECKO(1890) | MEMORY STAT vsizeMaxContiguous not supported in this build configuration. 16:02:21 INFO - GECKO(1890) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 4345MB | residentFast 310MB | heapAllocated 80MB 16:02:21 INFO - TEST-OK | devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser_accessibility_context_menu_browser.js | took 45189ms
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Recent failure log: 04:23:30 INFO - TEST-START | devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser/browser_accessibility_context_menu_browser.js 04:23:30 INFO - GECKO(2188) | JavaScript error: resource:///modules/ContextMenu.jsm, line 513: TypeError: doc is null 04:23:45 INFO - GECKO(2188) | 2018-05-31 04:23:45.380 firefox[2188:15444] Persistent UI failed to open file file:///Users/cltbld/Library/Saved%20Application%20State/org.mozilla.nightly.savedState/ No such file or directory (2) 04:24:15 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screencapture 04:24:15 INFO - TEST-INFO | screencapture: exit 0 04:24:15 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 04:23:30 04:24:15 INFO - Entering test bound testNoShowAccessibilityPropertiesContextMenu 04:24:15 INFO - Adding a new tab with URL: data:text/html;charset=UTF-8,%3Ch1%20id%3D%22h1%22%3Eheader%3C%2Fh1%3E%3Cp%20id%3D%22p%22%3Eparagraph%3C%2Fp%3E 04:24:15 INFO - Tab added and finished loading 04:24:15 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: doc is null" {file: "resource:///modules/ContextMenu.jsm" line: 513}] 04:24:15 INFO - Buffered messages finished 04:24:15 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser/browser_accessibility_context_menu_browser.js | Test timed out - 04:24:15 INFO - Removing tab. 04:24:15 INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement]. 04:24:15 INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement]. 04:24:15 INFO - Tab removed and finished closing 04:24:15 INFO - Cleaning up... 04:24:15 INFO - GECKO(2188) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 4482MB | residentFast 444MB | heapAllocated 94MB 04:24:15 INFO - TEST-OK | devtools/client/accessibility/test/browser/browser_accessibility_context_menu_browser.js | took 45094ms 04:24:15 INFO - checking window state 04:24:17 INFO - GECKO(2188) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 2192 04:24:17 INFO - GECKO(2188) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 2190 04:24:17 INFO - GECKO(2188) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 2193 04:24:17 INFO - GECKO(2188) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 2189 04:24:17 INFO - GECKO(2188) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 2191 04:24:17 INFO - GECKO(2188) | Completed ShutdownLeaks collections in process 2188 04:24:17 INFO - TEST-START | Shutdown 04:24:17 INFO - Browser Chrome Test Summary 04:24:17 INFO - Passed: 12 04:24:17 INFO - Failed: 1 04:24:17 INFO - Todo: 0 04:24:17 INFO - Mode: e10s 04:24:17 INFO - *** End BrowserChrome Test Results *** 04:24:17 INFO - GECKO(2188) | 1527765857912 Marionette DEBUG Received observer notification xpcom-will-shutdown 04:24:17 INFO - GECKO(2188) | 1527765857912 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 2828 04:24:17 INFO - GECKO(2188) | 1527765857913 Marionette DEBUG Remote service is inactive 04:24:18 INFO - TEST-INFO | Main app process: exit 0 04:24:18 INFO - | Application ran for: 0:01:01.311951 04:24:18 INFO - zombiecheck | Reading PID log: /var/folders/30/vpgmt5f13sx6cmftbx2w9qch00000w/T/tmp7qI4trpidlog 04:24:18 INFO - ==> process 2188 launched child process 2189 04:24:18 INFO - ==> process 2188 launched child process 2190 04:24:18 INFO - ==> process 2188 launched child process 2191 04:24:18 INFO - ==> process 2188 launched child process 2192 04:24:18 INFO - ==> process 2188 launched child process 2193 04:24:18 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2192 04:24:18 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2193 04:24:18 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2189 04:24:18 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2190 04:24:18 INFO - zombiecheck | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2191 04:24:18 INFO - Stopping web server 04:24:18 INFO - Stopping web socket server 04:24:18 INFO - Stopping ssltunnel 04:24:18 WARNING - leakcheck | refcount logging is off, so leaks can't be detected! 04:24:18 INFO - | Running tests: end. 04:24:18 INFO - Buffered messages finished 04:24:18 INFO - TEST-INFO | checking window state 04:24:18 INFO - Browser Chrome Test Summary 04:24:18 INFO - Passed: 12 04:24:18 INFO - Failed: 1 04:24:18 INFO - Todo: 0 04:24:18 INFO - Mode: e10s 04:24:18 INFO - *** End BrowserChrome Test Results *** 04:24:18 INFO - Buffered messages finished 04:24:18 INFO - SUITE-END | took 61s 04:24:18 INFO - SUITE-START | Running 1 tests
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Closed: 7 years ago7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Resolution: INCOMPLETE → ---
Closed: 7 years ago5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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