Closed Bug 1461482 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Verify VCS Perfherder data for Windows tasks is being ingested


(Testing Graveyard :: ActiveData, defect, P1)

Version 3


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gps, Assigned: ekyle)



I'm able to run ActiveData queries against the VCS Perfherder metrics being recorded by `hg robustcheckout`.

However, I'm selecting the raw data and am not seeing any data from Windows workers. There's a chance I'm doing it wrong. But some of the aggregate data seems to reflect no data for Windows. is an example of a Windows task whose data is not ingested. Search for "PERFHERDER_DATA". The fact it is at the beginning of a line may confuse the log parser?
FWIW, I have other patches in flight that attempt to make Firefox CI tasks use run-task. At that point, logs will be prefixed with the typical time prefix and this may cause ActiveData to start recognizing the PERFHERDER_DATA lines.

So if this is a non-trivial amount of work, ping me before you invest much time and I may be able to save you the work!
Flags: needinfo?(klahnakoski)
Sorry, I never even saw this bug. There is a dup somewhere, which I also did nothing on. needinfo myself so I remember to act on this.
Flags: needinfo?(klahnakoski)
p1, just to verify before closing
Priority: -- → P1
Flags: needinfo?(klahnakoski)

Turns out it was two problems. The multiline json (with taskcluster timestamps)

[taskcluster 2019-03-28T17:35:29.768Z]

and the PERFHERDER record has no timestamp

Here is the file

Here is he task record


Here are the (new) perf records


Processing is proceeding atarting a few hours back.

Flags: needinfo?(klahnakoski)
Closed: 6 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(klahnakoski)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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