Bug 1477
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 26 years ago
ss:Need correct license
(Core Graveyard :: Viewer App, defect, P2)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: leger, Assigned: sar)
chriss, per bug mtg today, we believe this will be handled on the label. Yes?
No file needed for install, correct?
Comment 2•26 years ago
Chris - any estimate on when they'll give us license.txt? Feel free to assign
this to me if you want me to follow up.
Separately, I understand Eric gave Debra the content for our media vendor to
print on the disk.
I think license.txt info needs to get to sar or someone on the release team
rather than Angus.
Please also send me correct license so QA can verify with final floppy.
Updated•26 years ago
Assignee: chriss → sar
Comment 6•26 years ago
I sent the license.txt that Chris sent me to sar and the build team for
inclusion with tomorrow's build. To clarify, this is a license agreement for
Netscape, not for mozilla. So it shouldn't go into mozilla builds. Also, while I
am not a lawyer, I'm almost certain that the NPL file should be in the Netscape
builds, in addition to this license.
Reassigning to sar. I assume once it's included in the builds, we should mark
this one as fixed.
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I have added this to the set of files that will be included in the build. It
will be included in Wednesday's candidate build.
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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