Closed Bug 1480754 Opened 7 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 12296 - [Streams] Add a test for piping to errored


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, enhancement, P4)




Tracking Status
firefox63 --- fixed


(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])

Sync web-platform-tests PR 12296 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete). PR: Details from upstream follow. Adam Rice <> wrote: > [Streams] Add a test for piping to errored > > The test 'Piping from an errored readable stream to an errored writable > stream' was misnamed, as the destination writable was erroring, not > errored. Rename it. Add a variant of the test where pipeTo() isn't > called until the destination is errored.
Component: web-platform-tests → DOM
Product: Testing → Core
Ran 4 tests and 37 subtests OK : 4 PASS : 1 FAIL : 36 New tests that have failures or other problems: /streams/piping/multiple-propagation.dedicatedworker.html Piping from a closed readable stream to an erroring writable stream: FAIL Piping from an errored readable stream to an erroring writable stream: FAIL Piping from an errored readable stream to an erroring writable stream; preventAbort = true: FAIL /streams/piping/multiple-propagation.html Piping from a closed readable stream to an erroring writable stream: FAIL Piping from an errored readable stream to an erroring writable stream: FAIL Piping from an errored readable stream to an erroring writable stream; preventAbort = true: FAIL /streams/piping/multiple-propagation.serviceworker.https.html Piping from a closed readable stream to an erroring writable stream: FAIL Piping from an errored readable stream to an erroring writable stream: FAIL Piping from an errored readable stream to an erroring writable stream; preventAbort = true: FAIL /streams/piping/multiple-propagation.sharedworker.html Piping from a closed readable stream to an erroring writable stream: FAIL Piping from an errored readable stream to an erroring writable stream: FAIL Piping from an errored readable stream to an erroring writable stream; preventAbort = true: FAIL
Pushed by [wpt PR 12296] - [Streams] Add a test for piping to errored, a=testonly [wpt PR 12296] - Update wpt metadata, a=testonly
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla63
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
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