Closed Bug 1482894 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

antenna deploy: 16


(Socorro :: Infra, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: willkg, Unassigned)


We want to do a antenna -prod deploy today tagged 16. It consists of the following: (current tag: 15 - 7615549) ca0e421: fix bug 1476941: reject unsupported products (willkg) bf25efa: Remove unused things (willkg) 0895a9f: Fix productname rule and add tests (willkg) ddfb757: bug 1476941: comment out uuid throttle-override (willkg) 2c45ce2: Fix unused import (willkg) 9310040: Change Thunderbird to Fennec in tests (willkg) 73e2b4c: Fix one product name back to "Test" (willkg) (next tag: 16 - 45403e2) This changes throttling, so it's a "higher risk" change than normal. We'll want to watch Datadog for a day afterwards and make sure the number of crash reports being rejected makes sense.
On stage, we've had 56 triggerings of the "unsupported product" rule out of 141,700 crashes in the last week. Granted, the code went to stage on Friday, but it's still a very small percentage of incoming crashes. We should see similarly in prod: the rule should get triggered, but the percentage of crash reports that trigger this rule should be small--definitely smaller than "is_firefox_desktop".
$ git show 16 tag 16 Tagger: Will Kahn-Greene <> Date: Mon Aug 13 10:46:17 2018 -0400 Tag 16 for deploy -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAABCgAdFiEEzY3I6/E2Vh8o9nPoGL3RpvBm7BEFAltxmb0ACgkQGL3RpvBm 7BFzxQgApHxK4SqlZlhLz947H5BlGNhSnFPu2V1YtYnk/SryZISLJJ+JOQ/uX+2V T3tign1tsmh371n/mDt0Uc1lJxV3YbAV6l9a+zwYDgxfGd8tWfA/ORAO6RrQTm1W tAi1h/qL6s2B2xI2f/oqNyDVWKdSpzb3TVfs6Mm0ZZlKFv49UU4+EEjr9howU24A V5pfgiphuXY/eCFJ5hY1uK2N6PVZw5Pe5iGMeCPxoPe52fUnTPyeb9ueAW5IHUaz JW5Kb7+/1hOCV2dOABXdsQ6rOypXHbODKI27cT3C7dypPxtSDX8gjgHBYA3wqUce wPCYEodD7nb93mx8ghWmgApHgwC1BA== =2rAp -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- commit 45403e288d15bafab12cd1d1d939a4be958e6444 (HEAD -> master, tag: 16, official/master) Merge: 9c630a6 73e2b4c Author: Will Kahn-Greene <> Date: Fri Aug 10 13:33:56 2018 -0400 Merge pull request #270 from willkg/1476941-nix-uuid-check bug 1476941: nix UUID check We pushed it out and I watched Sentry, Datadog and the logs for a while. The logs are hard to read since they're in mozlog format, but I didn't see anything concerning there. Datadog shows the "unsupported_product" rule is getting triggered. It's at a higher rate than I expected, but it's well below my "that seems wrong" threshold. There are no new reports in Sentry. Everything looks ok here. I'll keep watching Datadog out of morbid curiosity. Marking as FIXED.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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