Closed Bug 148478 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Find In This Page fails in this scenario


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dadanada, Assigned: Matti)




1. go to the above URL 2. type Ctrl-F or Edit > Find In This Page... 3. click on Wrap around 4. enter "259" as the Find text 5. click Find. The text is *correctly* not found. 6. dismiss the error box and enter "261" and click Find. 7. the text is *incorrectly* not found 8. dismiss the error box and the find dialog. 9 press Ctrl-F 10. enter "261" and press return or click Find 11. the text is correctly found. I could not reproduce this on another randomly selected page using different text, but it is consistently reproduced as described here.
As far as I can see, the number 261 appears nowhere on that page. (I even copied the entire source and searched through that outside of Mozilla.) Are you certain you didn't accidentally switch to a different tab before searching again or something?
My apologies--the URL was wrong and is now corrected. There continues to be a problem with the URL in the navigation toolbar not being correctly updated when using tabs, but thats another bug report. Please try this page now.
using 2002062109 (win98) the search correctly finds "261" as step 7. reporter: Does this error still occur for you (using a recent build)?
I cannot reproduce the problem now, thanks! (using 1.0)
Marking WORKSFORME per reporters comment
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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