Bug 1492188
Opened 6 years ago
Closed 6 years ago
Intermittent netwerk/test/unit/test_offlinecache_custom-directory.js | application crashed [@ PLDHashTable::Search(void const *)]
(Core :: Security: PSM, defect, P1)
Security: PSM
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: keeler)
(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure, Whiteboard: [psm-assigned])
Crash Data
(1 file)
Filed by: archaeopteryx [at]
08:36:10 INFO - TEST-START | netwerk/test/unit/test_offlinecache_custom-directory.js
08:36:10 WARNING - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | netwerk/test/unit/test_offlinecache_custom-directory.js | xpcshell return code: 1
08:36:10 INFO - TEST-INFO took 284ms
08:36:10 INFO - >>>>>>>
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | Couldn't convert chrome URL: chrome://branding/locale/
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | [4532, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to get directory to cache.: file z:/build/build/src/security/sandbox/win/src/sandboxbroker/sandboxBroker.cpp, line 83
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | [4532, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to get directory to cache.: file z:/build/build/src/security/sandbox/win/src/sandboxbroker/sandboxBroker.cpp, line 83
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | [4532, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to get directory to cache.: file z:/build/build/src/security/sandbox/win/src/sandboxbroker/sandboxBroker.cpp, line 83
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | [4532, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to get directory to cache.: file z:/build/build/src/security/sandbox/win/src/sandboxbroker/sandboxBroker.cpp, line 83
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | [4532, Main Thread] WARNING: Couldn't get the user appdata directory. Crash events may not be produced.: file z:/build/build/src/toolkit/crashreporter/nsExceptionHandler.cpp, line 2722
08:36:10 INFO - (xpcshell/head.js) | test MAIN run_test pending (1)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | [4532, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80520012: file z:/build/build/src/extensions/cookie/nsPermissionManager.cpp, line 2932
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | [4532, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x80004002: file z:/build/build/src/toolkit/components/resistfingerprinting/nsRFPService.cpp, line 683
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | [4532, LoadRoots] WARNING: This method is lossy. Use GetCanonicalPath !: file z:/build/build/src/xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp, line 3460
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | [4532, LoadRoots] WARNING: This method is lossy. Use GetCanonicalPath !: file z:/build/build/src/xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp, line 3460
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | Assertion failure: IsIdle(oldState), at z:/build/build/src/xpcom/ds/PLDHashTable.h:137
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | Assertion failure: IsRead(oldState), at z:/build/build/src/xpcom/ds/PLDHashTable.h:130
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #01: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #02: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #03: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #04: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #05: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #06: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #07: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #08: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #09: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #10: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #11: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #12: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #13: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #14: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #15: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #16: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #17: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #18: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | ### ERROR: SymInitialize: The parameter is incorrect.
08:36:10 INFO - PID 4532 | #19: ??? (???:???)
08:36:10 INFO - <<<<<<<
08:36:10 INFO - mozcrash Copy/paste: Z:\task_1537258108\build\win32-minidump_stackwalk.exe c:\users\task_1537258108\appdata\local\temp\xpc-other-gx_pys\897b42b7-8962-4770-abd0-9f75015a336a.dmp Z:\task_1537258108\build\symbols
08:36:20 INFO - mozcrash Saved minidump as Z:\task_1537258108\build\blobber_upload_dir\897b42b7-8962-4770-abd0-9f75015a336a.dmp
08:36:20 INFO - mozcrash Saved app info as Z:\task_1537258108\build\blobber_upload_dir\897b42b7-8962-4770-abd0-9f75015a336a.extra
08:36:20 WARNING - PROCESS-CRASH | netwerk/test/unit/test_offlinecache_custom-directory.js | application crashed [@ PLDHashTable::Search(void const *)]
08:36:20 INFO - Crash dump filename: c:\users\task_1537258108\appdata\local\temp\xpc-other-gx_pys\897b42b7-8962-4770-abd0-9f75015a336a.dmp
08:36:20 INFO - Operating system: Windows NT
08:36:20 INFO - 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
08:36:20 INFO - CPU: x86
08:36:20 INFO - GenuineIntel family 6 model 63 stepping 2
08:36:20 INFO - 8 CPUs
08:36:20 INFO - GPU: UNKNOWN
08:36:20 INFO - Crash reason: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
08:36:20 INFO - Crash address: 0x54c0f5ae
08:36:20 INFO - Process uptime: 0 seconds
08:36:20 INFO - Thread 25 (crashed)
08:36:20 INFO - 0 xul.dll!PLDHashTable::Search(void const *) [PLDHashTable.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 554 + 0x1e]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x54c0f5ae esp = 0x00bbf25c ebp = 0x00bbf268 ebx = 0x0a99610c
08:36:20 INFO - esi = 0x008253d4 edi = 0x00bbf2ac eax = 0x00000000 ecx = 0x00000000
08:36:20 INFO - edx = 0x00000000 efl = 0x00000206
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
08:36:20 INFO - 1 xul.dll!nsInterfaceHashtable<nsCStringHashKey,nsIFile>::Get(nsTSubstring<char> const &) [nsInterfaceHashtable.h:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 137 + 0x6]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x54c2d5f0 esp = 0x00bbf270 ebp = 0x00bbf288
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 2 xul.dll!nsDirectoryService::Get(char const *,nsID const &,void * *) [nsDirectoryService.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 209 + 0xa]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x54c2cbc9 esp = 0x00bbf290 ebp = 0x00bbf2c8
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 3 xul.dll!static nsresult GetDirectoryPath(const char *, class nsTString<char> & const) [nsNSSComponent.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 1042 + 0xd]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x58d3c99e esp = 0x00bbf2d0 ebp = 0x00bbf308
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 4 xul.dll!LoadLoadableRootsTask::LoadLoadableRoots() [nsNSSComponent.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 1096 + 0x5]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x58d3bf80 esp = 0x00bbf310 ebp = 0x00bbf490
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 5 xul.dll!LoadLoadableRootsTask::Run() [nsNSSComponent.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 839 + 0x5]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x58d3ba5b esp = 0x00bbf498 ebp = 0x00bbf4a4
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 6 xul.dll!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool,bool *) [nsThread.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 1161 + 0x6]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x54c8ce10 esp = 0x00bbf4ac ebp = 0x00bbf9b0
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 7 xul.dll!NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread *,bool) [nsThreadUtils.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 519 + 0x11]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x54c8fade esp = 0x00bbf9b8 ebp = 0x00bbf9d4
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 8 xul.dll!mozilla::ipc::MessagePumpForNonMainThreads::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate *) [MessagePump.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 364 + 0xa]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x55280e9a esp = 0x00bbf9dc ebp = 0x00bbfa08
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 9 xul.dll!MessageLoop::RunInternal() [ : 325 + 0x5]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x55242a71 esp = 0x00bbfa10 ebp = 0x00bbfa2c
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 10 xul.dll!MessageLoop::RunHandler() [ : 318 + 0x7]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x5524298c esp = 0x00bbfa34 ebp = 0x00bbfa60
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 11 xul.dll!MessageLoop::Run() [ : 298 + 0x5]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x5524285f esp = 0x00bbfa68 ebp = 0x00bbfa80
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 12 xul.dll!nsThread::ThreadFunc(void *) [nsThread.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 464 + 0x7]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x54c89fdd esp = 0x00bbfa88 ebp = 0x00bbfaa0
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 13 nss3.dll!_PR_NativeRunThread [pruthr.c:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 397 + 0x6]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x6b686125 esp = 0x00bbfaa8 ebp = 0x00bbfac0
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 14 nss3.dll!static unsigned int pr_root(void *) [w95thred.c:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 137 + 0x7]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x6b6751ed esp = 0x00bbfac8 ebp = 0x00bbfacc
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 15 ucrtbase.dll!__RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger + 0x7fe9
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x6bb1e16f esp = 0x00bbfad4 ebp = 0x00bbfb08
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 16 kernel32.dll!RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN + 0x73c
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x776a3c45 esp = 0x00bbfb10 ebp = 0x00bbfb14
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 17 mozglue.dll!static void patched_BaseThreadInitThunk(int, void *, void *) [WindowsDllBlocklist.cpp:34e8fb30456ba7aba2287dcfd47a0a1e749521ad : 701 + 0x41]
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x72b33854 esp = 0x00bbfb1c ebp = 0x00bbfb58
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 18 ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart + 0x27
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x77b237f5 esp = 0x00bbfb60 ebp = 0x00bbfb98
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
08:36:20 INFO - 19 ntdll.dll!_RtlUserThreadStart + 0x1b
08:36:20 INFO - eip = 0x77b237c8 esp = 0x00bbfba0 ebp = 0x00bbfbb0
08:36:20 INFO - Found by: call frame info
![]() |
Comment 2•6 years ago
Dragana, can you take a look at those recent failures related to assertions and PLDHashTable. See also bug 1491324. Thank you.
Flags: needinfo?(dd.mozilla)
See Also: → 1491324
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 4•6 years ago
(In reply to Sebastian Hengst [PTO+workweek 2018-09-22 - 2018-10-08][:aryx] (needinfo on intermittent or backout) from comment #2)
> Dragana, can you take a look at those recent failures related to assertions
> and PLDHashTable. See also bug 1491324. Thank you.
This bug and 1491324 have security/manager/ssl/nsNSSComponent.cpp on the stack. I am not sure what is causing them.
Dana, has something changed in that code or do you know why this can fail?
Flags: needinfo?(dd.mozilla) → needinfo?(dkeeler)
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 5•6 years ago
Hmmm - at a quick glance, it doesn't look like the directory service is thread-safe, but we're using it off the main thread. This may be what's going on, but we made that change over a year ago. Maybe we've just been lucky until now.
Assignee: nobody → dkeeler
Component: XPCOM → Security: PSM
Flags: needinfo?(dkeeler)
Priority: P5 → P1
Whiteboard: [psm-assigned]
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 6•6 years ago
![]() |
Assignee | |
Comment 7•6 years ago
Pushed by
avoid using the directory service off the main thread when loading loadable roots r=jcj
Comment 9•6 years ago
Comment on attachment 9011552 [details]
bug 1492188 - avoid using the directory service off the main thread when loading loadable roots r?jcj
J.C. Jones [:jcj] (he/him) has approved the revision.
Attachment #9011552 -
Flags: review+
Comment 10•6 years ago
bugherder |
Closed: 6 years ago
--- → fixed
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla64
Comment 11•6 years ago
Seems like this can ride the trains, but feel free to nominate this for uplift if you feel strongly otherwise.
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
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