Closed Bug 151964 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Duplicate bugs don't turn up in keyword searches


(Bugzilla :: Query/Bug List, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: fergald, Assigned: endico)


I wanted to file a bug report on Mozilla about the lack of lanscape printing. I checked if it already existed before filing with the keyword search. It didn't exist, so I filed it. It turns out that I filed a symptom of a more general bug so it was marked as a duplicate and closed. Afterwards, I searched for the keywords again. Still nothing turned up, even though I knew those keywords were in my bug submission. This means that other people are probably going to file bugs for this symptom, over and over. To stop this, there needs to be an easy way to take duplicates into account when searching. So, when searching for bugs which have SOME_CRITERIA find bug A such that bug A is SOME_STATUS and ( bug A has SOME_CRITERIA or (bug B is duplicate of bug A and bug B has SOME_CRITERIA) ). Also, if bug A doesn't have SOME_CRITERIA then it should be clear that bug A was selected because of bug B.
query.cgi lets you search on whatever resolution you want. For the quickserach stuff in the main page, preface your query with ALL (in capitals)
The ALL tip is useful but is not quite what I'm talking about as it will turn up previously fixed bugs. query.cgi does not allow the query I described below. It would take 2 queries plus plenty of manual matching to do what I described. The problem is that DUPLICATE is fundamentally different to the other resolution types. In fact I'd say it is not actually a resolution because the bug is not defintely resolved, it's status is wholely dependent on the status of the "master-bug". This comes from Bugzilla having a 1 report to 1 bug relationship, rather than many reports to 1 bug. Or even many reports to many bugs (sometimes a person will lump several problems into 1 report)
Speaking of duplicates, it seems to me that this bug is a duplicate of Bug 24957.
Yup, it's a dupe. Thanks, I've added some further comments to that bug.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 24957 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
QA Contact: matty_is_a_geek → default-qa
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