Closed Bug 152470 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

[RFE] Give focus to URL bar in new windows


(Camino Graveyard :: Location Bar & Autocomplete, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pgscholt, Assigned: bryner)



The user should be able to immediately start typing a new url over the homepage url when a new browser window is opened.
Assignee: saari → bryner
Editing Summary.
Summary: url in location box should automatically highlight when a new window is opened → Give focus to URL bar in new windows
my $0.02: i think we should follow most other browsers do (Netscape, Mozilla, IE, iirc): set focus in the page content, unless the new page (or tab) being opened is about:blank. if it's about:blank, then yes, focus should go to the urlbar.
Like sairuh said, but be sure that the focus not only goes to the url bar, but that the text is also highlighted.
further to comment #4, this is another bug that requests that focus be set on page content - bug 151039.
another disadvantage of setting focus into the urlbar, in terms of keyboard accessibility: one thing i noticed is that once i'm in the urlbar (cmd+L or just clicking there with the mouse), i cannot tab back into the page content. filed bug 152987 to cover that issue.
QA Contact: winnie → sairuh
Adding [RFE] to summary line.
Summary: Give focus to URL bar in new windows → [RFE] Give focus to URL bar in new windows
*** Bug 160820 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Component: Toolbars & Menus → URL Bar & Autocomplete
This seems to be fixed using Chimera/2002092104. New non-blank windows focus content, and new blank window focus the URL Bar.
yes, this is WFM, per comments 4, 5 and 10.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Sorry to add on so late, but do you think that about:'anything' should be in the about:blank category of Comment #4? It's silly, really, but I've set my homepage in Netscape variants to about:mozilla since Netscape 1.0. :)
afaik, only about:blank (or a blank new browser window or blank new tab where the urlbar is empty) should have focus in the urlbar. so, i'd think that about:mozilla should have focus in the content area, since there is content displayed... bryner / smfr, if this should not be the case, let me know. a new bug could be filed for that case (instead of reopening this one).
[RFE] is deprecated in favor of severity: enhancement. They have the same meaning.
Severity: minor → enhancement
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