Closed Bug 1525335 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[WebRender Android]:- pinch zoom artefact, blank screen area as pinch back in


(Core :: Graphics: WebRender, defect, P3)

67 Branch





(Reporter: mark.paxman99, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0

Steps to reproduce:

WebRender Android, Reference Browser

Pinch zoom a page to enlarge text.
Pinch zoom back in to shrink the text, use moderate speed
Only part of the screen is rendered at the top left, there is a large area of blank screen to right and bottom. Which gets updated only a couple of times a second.

I see on two different phones, both Android 7.

Component: General → Graphics
OS: Unspecified → Android
Product: Firefox for Android → Core
Version: Firefox 67 → 67 Branch
Blocks: wr-android
Component: Graphics → Graphics: WebRender
Priority: -- → P3

I wonder if this is related to us trying to re-rasterize glyphs at a different resolution. Until we have pathfinder, we should just upsample/downsample the existing glyphs in the texture cache, and then re-render once the updated glyphs have been rasterized by the worker threads.

Mark, do you still see this problem? From your description in comment 0 it sounds like it might be a thing that's fixed by the zooming changes I made a little while ago.

Flags: needinfo?(mark.paxman99)

Yep, fixed. Zooming still very slow, a few fps, but no blank area on zoom in. Thanks.

Flags: needinfo?(mark.paxman99)

Thanks. The slowness should be handled by bug 1531142.

Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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