Bug 153046
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
Gecko unsuccessfully tries to contact
(Core Graveyard :: Talkback Client, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: hauser, Assigned: greer)
(2 files)
When trying to click my Mail Window, Mozilla crashed and "Netscape Quality
Feedback Agent - Gecko 1.0" came up and tried to report the error (~ 500k hex
data memory dump etc.) to - unsuccessfully, so it is in queue now.
Whenever I start Mozilla now, this agent comes up and tries again unsuccessfully.
I thought that Mozilla grew out of and would rather have expected
it to contact if anything? I also do have installed Netscape 6 -
perhaps this is the reason for this?
Attached the screenshots of this.
Build 2002053012
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Comment 1•23 years ago
Comment 2•23 years ago
Should be marked invalid (I don't have privileges to do so), Quality feedback
contacts Netscape because Netscape engineers manage those reports to keep your
system settings private.
Still, they do share those with bugzilla when needed.
As of connection problems you can delete this report if you don't want it to be
sent. Usually it's a proxy error.
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Comment 3•23 years ago
Thanks for the info.
My Mozilla connects directly to the internet (no Proxies specified in the
preference pages) without problems. I configured gecko the same way (i.e. in
their Settings - Options - Proxy Server Tab, nothing is checkmarked) and it
still doesn't work?
see also regarding the
missing help information.
Comment 4•23 years ago
Talkback is commercial but the people from Netscape are nice and allowed to use
their commercial talkback and their talkback server.
It's possible that the talkback server is down at the moment.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Comment 5•23 years ago
what matti said.
try again later, the talkback server was probably down at that time.
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Comment 6•23 years ago
If so, the server is now down already for almost a day!
Also, I see that before talk-back gets into looping while trying to send, it
downloads proxy settings from somewhere, unfortunately, it doesn't say from
where nor is there any hint in settings options (see attached screen shot).
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Comment 7•23 years ago
What is a reasonable expectation how soon this should work again?
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Comment 8•23 years ago
tb sometimes will accept a report but not tell your client that it was accepted.
I have tried looking for a report from you but the climate tb reporting tool is
not working either ;-).
-> talkback
Assignee: joki → namachi
Component: Event Handling → Talkback
QA Contact: rakeshmishra → chofmann
Comment 9•23 years ago
Tom : Can you take a look at this problem ?
Assignee: namachi → greer
QA Contact: chofmann → namachi
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•23 years ago
1. I have checked the collector and it is functionaling properly, accepting
incidents and logging.
2. The talkback querying is working. (For me, anyway. I have searched and
returned query info for incidents that I have logged.) Bob could you tell me
what you mean in comment #8, where you say that the TB reporting is not working?
3. Using the TB querying, I searched for the email address: and
found no incidents. Indicating either
a. TB querying isn't working (as Bob aserts) or,
b. Ralf's incident has not gotten into the system.
That's the first look. I will check back to see if any incidents come in from And I will also try to submit incidents myself to see if I can
dectect any obvious problems.
Ralf, I will cc you to bug 60968 which tracks problems sending talkback incidents.
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•23 years ago
- I have searched the DB for email addreses with "hauser" with ~20 results. None
for It appears that we are not seeing the issue Bob mentions in
comment #8, but rather a connectivity problem.
- I have submitted incidents both within the firewall and outside of the
firewall with no issues, no connection problems, no latency, etc. The internal
collector is showing incoming incidents to show that many users are also able to
Those two points move me to conclude that the problem most likely lies outside
of Talkback's direct sphere.
Ralf, please keep working with us via bug 60968. We want to understand and fix
as many problems as we can where Talkback connectivity is concerned. Talkback
is working sufficiently to close this and take further discussion to
that bug.
Ever confirmed: true
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•23 years ago
Closed: 23 years ago → 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Reporter | ||
Comment 13•23 years ago
Thanks for your hints.
Yes, talkback.exe is there, but after double-clicking (your point 4), it is
empty, so I guess it lost the past incident. And there don't seem to be a past
incident log file or anything alike.
How would I make the new build aware of the old talkback-installation (your
point 1a)?
Rgds r.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Greer []
Sent: Samstag, 22. Juni 2002 00:08
Subject: Re: FW: [Bug 153046] Gecko unsuccessfully tries to contact
To see if Talkback is part of your current installation,
1. go to the directory where you have Mozilla installed
2. find the "components" directory
3. there should be a "talkback.exe" application.
(That would indicate that Talkback was installed with the installation.)
4. If it is installed, double-click on it and you will see a list of the
Talkback ID numbers for your submitted incidents.
You said that Talkback is not starting on the launch of Mozilla. I can
think of two simple reasons:
1a. If it is a new installation, starting that build should not see the
talkback executable associated with the old build
2a. If you are trying to send from the old build, perhaps the incident
went through. (!) (But I don't see any in the DB :-( )
Thanks for the help, Ralf!
Ralf Hauser wrote:
>Unfortunately, it appears that the 2002062008 build I got now no longer has
>the talkback with it - it didn't try to call home anymore.
> Ralf
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