Closed Bug 1532055 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure, regression)

Crash Data

Filed by: aciure [at]

[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.113Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST TEST-SKIP | |
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.114Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST TEST-END |
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.114Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Result summary:
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.114Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Successful: 0 (0 pass, 0 load only)
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.114Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Unexpected: 0 (0 unexpected fail, 0 unexpected pass, 0 unexpected asserts, 0 failed load, 0 exception)
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.114Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Known problems: 1 (0 known fail, 0 known asserts, 0 random, 1 skipped, 0 slow)
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.114Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST SUITE-END | Shutdown
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.114Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Slowest test took 0ms (undefined)
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.115Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Total canvas count = 0
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.115Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST WARNING | Failed to find the test-plugin.
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.115Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST WARNING | Failed to find the test-plugin.
[task 2019-03-02T11:38:25.115Z] 11:38:25 INFO - REFTEST WARNING | Failed to get test plugin tags.
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:04.705Z] 11:45:04 INFO - wait for org.mozilla.fennec_aurora complete; top activity=org.mozilla.fennec_aurora
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:05.009Z] 11:45:05 INFO - org.mozilla.fennec_aurora unexpectedly found running. Killing...
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:05.010Z] 11:45:05 INFO - REFTEST TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:05.355Z] 11:45:05 INFO - REFTEST TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.110Z] 11:45:20 WARNING - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | | application timed out after 370 seconds with no output
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.110Z] 11:45:20 INFO - | Application ran for: 0:07:34.980038
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.419Z] 11:45:20 INFO - Contents of /data/anr/traces.txt:
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.419Z] 11:45:20 INFO - ----- pid 2208 at 2019-03-02 03:45:05 -----
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.419Z] 11:45:20 INFO - Cmd line: org.mozilla.fennec_aurora
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.420Z] 11:45:20 INFO - JNI: CheckJNI is on; workarounds are off; pins=0; globals=291 (plus 2 weak)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.420Z] 11:45:20 INFO - DALVIK THREADS:
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.421Z] 11:45:20 INFO - (mutexes: tll=0 tsl=0 tscl=0 ghl=0)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.421Z] 11:45:20 INFO - "main" prio=5 tid=1 NATIVE
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.421Z] 11:45:20 INFO - | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x414c9578 self=0x2a00d090
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.422Z] 11:45:20 INFO - | sysTid=2208 nice=2 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1073811452
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.422Z] 11:45:20 INFO - | state=S schedstat=( 33155422497 14525813108 52172 ) utm=2736 stm=579 core=0
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.422Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #00 pc 0001c5a4 /system/lib/ (__futex_syscall3+8)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.422Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #01 pc 0000e688 /system/lib/ (__pthread_cond_timedwait_relative+48)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.423Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #02 pc 0000e6e8 /system/lib/ (__pthread_cond_timedwait+64)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.423Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #03 pc 00052e97 /system/lib/
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.423Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #04 pc 00053461 /system/lib/ (dvmChangeStatus(Thread*, ThreadStatus)+30)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.423Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #05 pc 00048d29 /system/lib/
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.423Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #06 pc 00039afd /system/lib/
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.423Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #07 pc 0004b7a9 /system/lib/ (android::AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv()+16)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.423Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #08 pc 0005eed5 /system/lib/ (android::NativeDisplayEventReceiver::dispatchVsync(long long, int, unsigned int)+20)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.424Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #09 pc 0005f0b9 /system/lib/ (android::NativeDisplayEventReceiver::handleEvent(int, int, void*)+80)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.424Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #10 pc 00015129 /system/lib/ (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+468)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.425Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #11 pc 000151d5 /system/lib/ (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+92)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.425Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #12 pc 00067b69 /system/lib/ (android::NativeMessageQueue::pollOnce(_JNIEnv*, int)+22)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.425Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #13 pc 0001dc4c /system/lib/ (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.426Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #14 pc 0004dcab /system/lib/ (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+394)
[task 2019-03-02T11:45:20.426Z] 11:45:20 INFO - #15 pc 000385e1 /system/lib/ (dvmCheckCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+8)

thanks for the report, aciure. looking into this now, haven't managed yet to reproduce it locally or think of a plausible reason for the test to timeout :/

FWIW I have also had a look at logs and don't know what could be the problem. It's not really a crash -- it's more of a timeout. The test ran for too long (a bit more than 7 minutes) and was killed by the test harness. All the threads are waiting on something AFAICS. The bigint test appears to have completed successfully; just for some reason the browser didn't exit.

I have run this test in a loop (by surrounding the clone-bigint.js file in a loop) and I do not experience hangs on a debug build.

I have double-checked the bigint StructuredClone code and I do not see a problem. It is possible that a different path is taken there as StructuredClone works on 64-bit values but digits are 32 bits on that particular android platform (if I interpret the crash backtraces right) -- so there will occasionally be some padding on 32-bit targets that isn't there on 64-bit targets. But having looked into it I still don't see where there could be a problem.

I suggest that this could be a hang unrelated to bigint.

Removing from bigint blocker as Robin and I are both on Cc but I don't think it's our bug.

No longer blocks: js-bigint-ship

Moving these bugs (intermittent test failures with crashes) out of P5.

Priority: P5 → --

Random timeout that happened once.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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