Closed Bug 153697 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Fullscreen problems with multiple monitors


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: daniel_furrer, Assigned: jag+mozilla)


When I press F11 (for "Full Screen") while the window is maximized on the second display the window disappears until i press F11 again. When I press F11 while the window is on the _second_ screen but not maximized I get into the fullscreen-mode on the _first_ screen, but I expect that I get the "Full Screen" on the second display. "As usual" there are also the problems with Bug 132371.
Can you please post the build ID of the browser (see titlebar). Also see "Bug writing guidelines" from the QA menu. If you're using Mozilla 1.0 (it has no QA and debug menus), please try a more recent release such as 1.1a or preferably the latest nightly.
Component: Browser-General → XP Toolkit/Widgets
When I reported this bug I was using Mozilla 1.1a, now I'm using Build ID: 2002063008 (latest win32 nightly - same problems) but I noticed it in Mozilla 1.0, too and ever since there was a fullscreen-mode. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 0) Launch Mozilla (Dualhead required to test this) 1) Move the window to the second screen and maximize it on this screen 2) Press F11 3) See what happens [1] 4) Press F11 again - the window is where it was before but not maximized (Bug 132371) 5) Press F11 once again [2] ACTUAL RESULT [1] The window disappears [2] The window goes in fullscreen-mode on the first(/main) screen. EXPECTED RESULT (1) The window dosn't disapper but instead: (2) (2) The window goes in fullscreen-mode on the screen where it was before. better now? ;)
Assignee: Matti → jaggernaut
QA Contact: imajes-qa → jrgm
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 127575 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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