Bigquery table firefox_desktop_exact_mau28_by_dimensions_v1 missing some attribution data from Apr 28 2017 to May 24 2018
(Data Platform and Tools :: General, enhancement)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: gkaberere, Assigned: relud)
Noticed some data missing in the newly created table firefox_desktop_exact_mau28_by_dimensions_v1 in bigquery. When calculating dau and mau from the table specifically looking at paid media attribution fields, the table does not return any data from April 28 2017 to May 24th 2018 (inclusive).
Sample sql query showing the missing window
SELECT submission_date, SUM(dau) as dau, SUM(mau) as mau FROM
moz-fx-data-derived-datasets.telemetry.firefox_desktop_exact_mau28_by_dimensions_v1WHERE submission_date >= DATE("2017-04-23") AND submission_date <= DATE("2018-06-01") AND medium IN('affilliate', 'banner', 'cpc', 'display', 'paidsearch', 'ppc', 'sem') GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1
Took a look at clients_daily_v6 to see if it was a matter of the data not being available as to my knowledge it is the base table from which the new table is calculated from. I was able to find dau for the specific mediums I was interested.
Sample clients_daily_v6 query
SELECT submission_date_s3, count(distinct client_id) as dau FROM
moz-fx-data-derived-datasets.telemetry.clients_daily_v6WHERE submission_date_s3 >= DATE("2017-05-15") AND submission_date_s3 <= DATE("2017-06-01") AND attribution.medium IN('affilliate', 'banner', 'cpc', 'display', 'paidsearch', 'ppc', 'sem') GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1
ASK: Could we look into this particular case as well as validate the other attribution fields (source, medium, campaign and content)? We use these to understand how different acquisition funnels are doing. Marking as blocker as we are in the middle of performing analysis for the Quarterly business reviews scheduled next week
Comment 1•6 years ago
The data in clients_daily
was fixed in Bug 1533443, so this should be a matter of backfilling firefox_desktop_exact_mau28_by_dimensions_v1
for the affected time period.
Daniel, does that sound right? Is this something you can tackle in the near term?
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Comment 2•6 years ago
yeah, i can try to get this fixed today
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Updated•6 years ago
Updated•3 years ago