Intermittent browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_firstPartyIsolation_aboutPages.js | remote about:blank should have firstPartyDomain set to c2f242c2-74f1-4ea8-b62d-877da16af105.mozilla - "" == "c2f242c2-74f1-4ea8-b62d-877da16af105
(Core :: DOM: Security, defect, P5)
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure, regression, Whiteboard: [domsecurity-intermittent])
Filed by: apavel [at]
Parsed log:
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Reftest URL:
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:21.908Z] 20:54:21 INFO - TEST-START | browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_firstPartyIsolation_aboutPages.js
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:22.999Z] 20:54:22 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.431Z] 20:54:23 INFO - TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.431Z] 20:54:23 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 20:54:21
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.432Z] 20:54:23 INFO - Entering test bound setup
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.432Z] 20:54:23 INFO - Leaving test bound setup
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.433Z] 20:54:23 INFO - Entering test bound test_remote_window_open_aboutBlank
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.434Z] 20:54:23 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 20:54:22
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.436Z] 20:54:23 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_firstPartyIsolation_aboutPages.js | should be a remote browser - true == true -
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.437Z] 20:54:23 INFO - origin moz-nullprincipal:{c2f242c2-74f1-4ea8-b62d-877da16af105}
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.438Z] 20:54:23 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_firstPartyIsolation_aboutPages.js | The principal of remote about:blank should be a NullPrincipal. - true == true -
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.440Z] 20:54:23 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.441Z] 20:54:23 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_firstPartyIsolation_aboutPages.js | remote about:blank should have firstPartyDomain set to c2f242c2-74f1-4ea8-b62d-877da16af105.mozilla - "" == "c2f242c2-74f1-4ea8-b62d-877da16af105.mozilla" -
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.442Z] 20:54:23 INFO - Stack trace:
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.443Z] 20:54:23 INFO - resource://testing-common/content-task.js line 59 > eval:null:11
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.444Z] 20:54:23 INFO - resource://testing-common/content-task.js:null:60
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.445Z] 20:54:23 INFO - Leaving test bound test_remote_window_open_aboutBlank
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.446Z] 20:54:23 INFO - Entering test bound test_nonremote_window_open_aboutBlank
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.448Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | IPDL protocol error: Handler returned error code!
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.449Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PLayerTransaction::Msg_ReleaseLayer Processing error: message was deserialized, but the handler returned false (indicating failure)
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.449Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | IPDL protocol error: Handler returned error code!
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.452Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PLayerTransaction::Msg_ReleaseLayer Processing error: message was deserialized, but the handler returned false (indicating failure)
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.453Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | IPDL protocol error: Handler returned error code!
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.454Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PLayerTransaction::Msg_ReleaseLayer Processing error: message was deserialized, but the handler returned false (indicating failure)
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.455Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | IPDL protocol error: Handler returned error code!
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.457Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PLayerTransaction::Msg_ReleaseLayer Processing error: message was deserialized, but the handler returned false (indicating failure)
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.458Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | IPDL protocol error: Handler returned error code!
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.459Z] 20:54:23 INFO - GECKO(8849) | ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PLayerTransaction::Msg_ReleaseLayer Processing error: message was deserialized, but the handler returned false (indicating failure)
[task 2019-05-08T20:54:23.742Z] 20:54:23 INFO - TEST-PASS | browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_firstPartyIsolation_aboutPages.js | shouldn't be a remote browser - true == true -
Updated•6 years ago
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Comment 2•6 years ago
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Comment 4•6 years ago
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |