Closed Bug 1551058 Opened 5 years ago Closed 2 years ago

support subtitles/captions in picture-in-picture mode (PiP)


(Toolkit :: Picture-in-Picture, enhancement, P5)






(Reporter: aryx, Unassigned)



(Keywords: access)


(1 file)

Support for subtitles in picture-in-picture mode has been requested

That makes especially sense if the video is not in the native language of the viewer.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Find a video with closed captions. Used
  2. Turn on subtitles ("CC" button).
  3. Right click video. Youtube's menu opens.
  4. Right click somewhere else on the video. Firefox's menu for the video opens.
  5. Select Picture-in-Picture.

Actual result:
Mini-player opens but subtitles are missing.
Expected result:
Subtitles shown.

Priority: -- → P5
Blocks: videopip
No longer blocks: 1527926

Even more frustratingly, the subtitles open in the original video frame tab on sites such as Crunchyroll. Otherwise, the picture in picture mode works well. I can drag the pop up window to other monitors, scale it to whatever size I want, but the subtitles remain with the original tab, over the placeholder that tells me the video is playing in Picture-in-picture mode...

Have the same problem with Netflix. Subtitles are not displayed at PiP screen (they continue to be displayed at original tab)

Figured I'd chime in and add another test case:

OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Version: unspecified → Trunk

This behavior is reproducible on Nightly version 75 on macOS 10.14. Changed flags accordingly.

Have this same issue on macOS 10.15.3 on Nightly v76 on videos from YT/GDrive

Hi, same issue happening on Windows 10 Nightly 76.0a1 (2020-03-17) (64-bit)


Hello, I have a couple concerns to add to the table. Specifically around feature accessibility.

Right now, for those who are hearing-impaired or deaf, the PiP solution provided by all builds(as of the time of writing) is very nice but does not have subtitle support. For those in the deaf-community, it is inconvenient to not have access to this feature in the same way that those with full hearing do.

To compound that, even for those with full hearing, access to this feature would allow them to essentially watch videos without having to have sound enabled. If you were working on something in a public place and had a video tutorial open in PiP, you must have sound on in order to get through the video. Implementation of this enhancement would assist

Overall, by definition, this provides a hurdle for some to use this feature of this product. Since it isn't the most devastating of losses to not be able to use PiP fully if you are deaf, it does provide, if not an accessibility challenge, then at the very least a consideration for accessibility going forward.

Keywords: access

Subtitles when enabled on Youtube, shows in the original frame, not the Picture-in-Picture mode.
Using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:76.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/76.0 Build ID: 20200429185419

Comment on attachment 9146086 [details]
Subtitles showing in original frame, not in the Picture-in-Picture frame.

Subtitles showing in original frame, not in the Picture-in-Picture frame.

This issue is reproducible on latest Nightly 78.0a1 (2020-05-12) on macOS 10.14. Changed flags accordingly.

Change the status for beta to have the same as nightly and release.
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Confirmed as an issue on a fresh build from version control.

Can someone point me in the direction of the relevant code sections for 1) Closed Captioning and 2) Picture-in-Picture? The code-base is massive. That being said, I am pleased to report that the build instructions "just worked" for me on macOS. Cheers!

Flags: needinfo?(jaws)

although the best-known platform is youtube and netflix, this issue affects other video-on-demand platforms.

this also applies to windows

Netflix's subtitles are formatted in the DOM like this:

    <div class="player-timedtext"><div class="player-timedtext-text-container">

Each span contains a line of subtitles.

Youtube's are more complex:

<div class="html5-video-container">
<div class="caption-window ytp-caption-window-bottom ytp-caption-window-rollup" id="caption-window-1">
    <span class="caption-visual-line"><span class="ytp-caption-segment">...</span></span>
    <span class="caption-visual-line"><span class="ytp-caption-segment">...</span></span>

Each span/span contains a line of subtitles, however when using automatic subtitles, it appears that they each contain a list of text nodes, whereas in properly subtitled videos it appears to all be contained in one text node.

Regardless, this will require reading the DOM and watching for mutations. The popout video player will either need the ability to render text directly onto the drawing, or put HTML on top.

When using HTML5 video, the subtitles don't appear at all: not in the popout, not in the original location.

Flags: needinfo?(jaws) → needinfo?(mconley)

Hello, confirmed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Nightly 79.0a1 (2020-06-22)(64-bit).


(In reply to jhgorse from comment #13)

Can someone point me in the direction of the relevant code sections for 1) Closed Captioning and 2) Picture-in-Picture? The code-base is massive. That being said, I am pleased to report that the build instructions "just worked" for me on macOS. Cheers!

The Picture-in-Picture code is hosted mainly in the following files:

I'm actually not 100% certain where the subtitles and captioning code that we use for HTML video is. The contents of dom/media/webvtt seem to handle the parsing of VTT files and the construction of the actual text boxes that appear over videos - but it looks like there are some hooks into native code here to inject them into an anonymous content area in DOM. I'm not 100% familiar with how that works.

Flags: needinfo?(mconley)

I had some in-tree documentation for Picture-in-Picture in-flight before I got pulled off onto other things that you might find useful:

This issue is reproducible on latest Nightly 80.0a1 (2020-07-07) on macOS 10.15.

This issue is reproducible on the latest Nightly 81.0a1 (2020-08-04)

Issue reproduced on latest Nightly 82.0a1 (20200902095359) using a MacOS 10.14.6 device.

I understand that things are complicated if the video vendors who do their own caption display implementations (i.e. They'd probably need some new custom API to expose captions to picture-in-picture video popup). But things don't even work if the video vendor using HTML5's own VTT caption with <track> element.

<video id="wistia_simple_video_178" crossorigin="anonymous" style="background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; display: block; height: 100%; max-height: none; max-width: none; position: static; visibility: visible; width: 100%; object-fit: fill;" poster="" aria-label="Video" defaultplaybackrate="1" src="blob:" controlslist="nodownload" playsinline="" preload="metadata" type="video/m3u8" x-webkit-airplay="allow">
    <track kind="captions" label="English" srclang="eng" src="">

Behavior in Firefox 81.0.1:

It would seem that the current Video PiP implementation works as intended, displaying an arbitrary <video> in a floating window. For websites like YouTube and Netflix that draws their own elements over the video, one way to support them would be implementing a windowed fullscreen feature that puts whatever custom fullscreen UI a website has implemented into a window.

I have seen this implemented in iOS due to standardization so I'm wondering what the chances are of this happening are with Firefox. I regularly watch shows that have scenes that require subtitles so it's quite annoying to have to find the tab and go back to whatever I missed.

Would it be possible for there to be a defined video container element that it moved to the PiP window instead of the <video> element itself? This would allow custom player UIs to be used and for captions to be displayed. It would have to be an opt-in feature for the developers since not all custom UIs would work in the small window. An alternative would be to let developers disable the native PiP and design their own.

Any updates on this?

Component: Video/Audio Controls → Picture-in-Picture

I really love PiP, but losing subtitles makes it basically impossible for me to use. So I started looking into this.

I think having a defined element that a site must support for it to work properly in Firefox would put the responsibility on the site owners (Google, Netflix, every blog and tutorial site) to implement, which is not currently how PiP works. Since it only looks for a video element, it can support every site. It's not that it'd be impossible, just that there'd have to be an effort made to get everyone to support Firefox's specific fix for this problem, when it wasn't a problem of their making.

I posit that this is an issue to be taken to w3c itself, not with Firefox. We need standardized captioning elements, and they need to be tied to the PiP project:

What I would ask of Firefox is maybe making it easy for us to make our own extensions in the meantime? Maybe it's already possible! I'd love to know, if so.

It's going to mean keeping up with the HTML changes for every site I want to use, which is why Firefox hasn't even tried to do this... that's wild :D But it's also something I'm personally willing to do for myself, and release as an extension for the greater community. So if you have any info on whether that'd be possible, I'd be grateful!

Hi Mike! I saw your gist about this when I went searching further (this one:

So no response needed on the extension thing, unless of course you have new exciting details :D

(In reply to Diana from comment #34)

Hi Mike! I saw your gist about this when I went searching further (this one:

So no response needed on the extension thing, unless of course you have new exciting details :D

Hi Diana! Not sure if you've seen this already, but you can also follow along with site-specific adapter work in bug 1670108 to get an idea where it's at for now :)

Depends on: 1751505

Subtitles inside the PiP window are now supported in Nightly 100 for a few webapps/streaming services: Youtube, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Coursera, CBS Sport and other videos with "pure WebVTT" subtitles/captions.

Other streaming services are probably to be implemented in the future, but it is important to know that the steps in comment 0 are now invalid.
Ania, don't we have this covered in some other bug/task?

Flags: needinfo?(amininkova)
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

I added the stories/acceptance criteria to the metabug that this issue duplicates.

Flags: needinfo?(amininkova)
No longer depends on: 1751505
No longer blocks: videopip

I'm not sure can I comment about this here but When those website - for example Netflix, using subtitle as SVG. The subtitle will not working with picture in picture mode.

I try to inspect elements and found that some language like "Thai", they use something look like this... <svg><img href="blob:"></svg>.
But in many languages (most languages) they use something look like this... <span style="">好</span> or <span style="">Good.</span>.

I don't know that SVG is included in this case as subtitle or not, if not that must be Netflix's problem now.

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