Closed Bug 1552890 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

socorro deploy: 378


(Socorro :: Infra, task, P2)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jwhitlock, Assigned: jwhitlock)


We want to do a Socorro -prod deploy today tagged 378.

It consists of the following:

(current tag: 377 - 787b58e)
0fac8b6: bug 1549297: fix android manufacturer faceting (willkg)
e6e988a: bug 1543097: Convert webapp to sentry_sdk 0.7.14 (jwhitlock)
a732dd8: bug 1543097: Switch mgmt cmd cronrun to sentry_sdk (jwhitlock)
98e98fa: bug 1543097: Switch cmd depcheck to sentry_sdk (jwhitlock)
3bc2d34: bug 1543097: Convert processor to sentry_sdk (jwhitlock)
446b9dc: bug 1543097: Remove sentry_dsn from client args (jwhitlock)
1162b62: bug 1543097: Filter webapp events for pii/security (jwhitlock)
9a369fb: bug 1543097: Do not send DisallowedHost to Sentry (jwhitlock)
49c4973: bug 1543097: Fix IDs for before_send headers test (jwhitlock)
b7601c5: bug 1543097: Filter ELB IP headers in Sentry (jwhitlock)
6416031: Document deploys and PII request processing (willkg)
c2caed0: Fix typos and clarify deploy and processing-requests docs (willkg)
(next tag: 378 - b649e89)

Additional things to note:

  • The sentry_sdk is the current framework for reporting to Sentry, and replaces the deprecated raven framework we are currently using. It includes sending event for log messages logged at the error level, so there will be additional messages for conditions not reported by raven. It ran in stage for three days, with some tuning after the initial deploy.

Tagged 378

tag 378
Tagger: John Whitlock <>
Date:   Mon May 20 12:03:19 2019 -0500

Tagging 378 for deploy to prod

0fac8b6: bug 1549297: fix android manufacturer faceting (willkg)
e6e988a: bug 1543097: Convert webapp to sentry_sdk 0.7.14 (jwhitlock)
a732dd8: bug 1543097: Switch mgmt cmd cronrun to sentry_sdk (jwhitlock)
98e98fa: bug 1543097: Switch cmd depcheck to sentry_sdk (jwhitlock)
3bc2d34: bug 1543097: Convert processor to sentry_sdk (jwhitlock)
446b9dc: bug 1543097: Remove sentry_dsn from client args (jwhitlock)
1162b62: bug 1543097: Filter webapp events for pii/security (jwhitlock)
9a369fb: bug 1543097: Do not send DisallowedHost to Sentry (jwhitlock)
49c4973: bug 1543097: Fix IDs for before_send headers test (jwhitlock)
b7601c5: bug 1543097: Filter ELB IP headers in Sentry (jwhitlock)
6416031: Document deploys and PII request processing (willkg)
c2caed0: Fix typos and clarify deploy and processing-requests docs (willkg)


commit b649e89fc6dc440adf78fccecc0a8f2327b97cf0
Merge: 6111936a4 c2caed037
Author: Will Kahn-Greene <>
Date:   Fri May 17 08:27:55 2019 -0400

    Merge pull request #4941 from willkg/admin-docs
    Document deploys and PII request processing

Deployed to production. There's an increase in Sentry issues, since with the new library, all events are seen as new events. I was expecting this, but others might not, so at willkg's suggestion I sent an email.

Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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