Closed Bug 1553215 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Throw when the MediaStream passed to MediaStreamAudioSourceNode does not have an audio track, and implement the correct behaviour


(Core :: Web Audio, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox69 --- fixed


(Reporter: padenot, Assigned: padenot)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: dev-doc-complete)


(2 files)

We need to take the first track alphabetically, basically.

It's not complete I think, but it covers the constructor and some bits of

It should pick and lock to the right track, regardless of if it's still in the

The test fix is because we don't expose tracks until the HTMLMediaElement has
loaded loading I think.

This alignes with a couple spec changes:

and also throws when no valid track are found in the MediaStream, either because
it's all video tracks or because it has no tracks.

Bugbug thinks this bug is a task, but please change it back in case of error.

Type: defect → task
Type: task → defect
Blocks: 1553819
Pushed by
Start testing MediaStreamAudioSourceNode in WPT. r=karlt,pehrsons
Implement the correct behaviour for MediaStreamAudioSource.  r=karlt,pehrsons
Created web-platform-tests PR for changes under testing/web-platform/tests

Push with failures:

Failure log:

Backout link:

17:38:42 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/media/webaudio/test/test_audioContextSuspendResumeClose.html | An exception was not thrown
17:38:42 INFO - Buffered messages finished
17:38:42 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/media/webaudio/test/test_audioContextSuspendResumeClose.html | An exception was not thrown
17:38:42 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:275:18
17:38:42 INFO - expectNoException@dom/media/webaudio/test/webaudio.js:22:3
17:38:42 INFO - tryToCreateNodeOnClosedContext/<@dom/media/webaudio/test/test_audioContextSuspendResumeClose.html:44:7
17:38:42 INFO - tryToCreateNodeOnClosedContext@dom/media/webaudio/test/test_audioContextSuspendResumeClose.html:37:40
17:38:42 INFO - afterResume/<@dom/media/webaudio/test/test_audioContextSuspendResumeClose.html:308:7
17:38:42 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/media/webaudio/test/test_audioContextSuspendResumeClose.html | The context is in closed stat

[task 2019-06-10T17:44:36.782Z] 17:44:36 INFO - TEST-OK | /webaudio/the-audio-api/the-mediastreamaudiosourcenode-interface/mediastreamaudiosourcenode-ctor.html | took 1490ms
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:36.783Z] 17:44:36 INFO - TEST-START | /webaudio/the-audio-api/the-mediastreamaudiosourcenode-interface/mediastreamaudiosourcenode-routing.html
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:36.791Z] 17:44:36 INFO - Closing window 6442450945
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:36.835Z] 17:44:36 INFO - PID 3017 | [Child 3097, Main Thread] WARNING: No active window: file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/js/xpconnect/src/XPCJSContext.cpp, line 662
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:36.851Z] 17:44:36 INFO - PID 3017 | [Parent 3017, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mSelection', file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/editor/libeditor/EditorBase.cpp, line 4893
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:36.851Z] 17:44:36 INFO - PID 3017 | [Parent 3017, Main Thread] WARNING: '!editActionData.CanHandle()', file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/editor/libeditor/EditorBase.cpp, line 1302
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:36.887Z] 17:44:36 INFO - PID 3017 | [Parent 3017, Main Thread] WARNING: nsIEditActionListener installed, this editor becomes slower: 'mActionListeners.Length() != 1', file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/editor/libeditor/EditorBase.cpp, line 2136
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:36.964Z] 17:44:36 INFO - PID 3017 | ++DOCSHELL 0x7f19becca000 == 1 [pid = 3210] [id = {f5ac1c10-c6c1-48a9-aaa1-f7603f5aa95a}]
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:37.041Z] 17:44:37 INFO - PID 3017 | ++DOMWINDOW == 1 (0x7f19c01f4d40) [pid = 3210] [serial = 1] [outer = (nil)]
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:37.045Z] 17:44:37 INFO - PID 3017 | [Child 3210, Main Thread] WARNING: No active window: file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/js/xpconnect/src/XPCJSContext.cpp, line 662
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:37.073Z] 17:44:37 INFO - PID 3017 | ++DOMWINDOW == 2 (0x7f19befab000) [pid = 3210] [serial = 2] [outer = 0x7f19c01f4d40]
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:37.190Z] 17:44:37 INFO - PID 3017 | ### XPCOM_MEM_BLOAT_LOG defined -- logging bloat/leaks to /tmp/tmpZIx365.mozrunner/runtests_leaks_829_tab_pid3247.log
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:37.340Z] 17:44:37 INFO - PID 3017 | Couldn't convert chrome URL: chrome://branding/locale/
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:37.340Z] 17:44:37 INFO - PID 3017 | [Child 3247, Main Thread] WARNING: Could not get the program name for a cubeb stream.: 'NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)', file /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/dom/media/CubebUtils.cpp, line 388
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:37.381Z] 17:44:37 INFO - PID 3017 | ++DOMWINDOW == 3 (0x7f19c0168400) [pid = 3210] [serial = 3] [outer = 0x7f19c01f4d40]
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:37.590Z] 17:44:37 INFO - PID 3017 | ++DOMWINDOW == 4 (0x7f19be8e0c00) [pid = 3210] [serial = 4] [outer = 0x7f19c01f4d40]
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.458Z] 17:44:38 INFO -
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.458Z] 17:44:38 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /webaudio/the-audio-api/the-mediastreamaudiosourcenode-interface/mediastreamaudiosourcenode-routing.html | MediaStreamAudioSourceNode captures the right track. - assert_true: Other track seem to be routed to the AudioContext? expected true got false
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.458Z] 17:44:38 INFO - analyse@http://web-platform.test:8000/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-mediastreamaudiosourcenode-interface/mediastreamaudiosourcenode-routing.html:97:11
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.458Z] 17:44:38 INFO - Test.prototype.step_timeout/<@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:1652:22
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.458Z] 17:44:38 INFO - Test.prototype.step@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:1594:25
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.459Z] 17:44:38 INFO - Test.prototype.step_func/<@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:1618:35
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.459Z] 17:44:38 INFO - setTimeout handlerTest.prototype.step_timeout@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:1651:16
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.459Z] 17:44:38 INFO - analyse@http://web-platform.test:8000/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-mediastreamaudiosourcenode-interface/mediastreamaudiosourcenode-routing.html:129:11
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.459Z] 17:44:38 INFO - Test.prototype.step_timeout/<@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:1652:22
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.460Z] 17:44:38 INFO - Test.prototype.step@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:1594:25
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.460Z] 17:44:38 INFO - Test.prototype.step_func/<@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:1618:35
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.460Z] 17:44:38 INFO - setTimeout handler
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.460Z] 17:44:38 INFO - @http://web-platform.test:8000/webaudio/the-audio-api/the-mediastreamaudiosourcenode-interface/mediastreamaudiosourcenode-routing.html:131:9
[task 2019-06-10T17:44:38.461Z] 17:44:38 INFO - TEST-OK | /webaudio/the-audio-api/the-mediastreamaudiosourcenode-interface/mediastreamaudiosourcenode-routing.html | took 1673ms

Flags: needinfo?(padenot)
Upstream PR was closed without merging
Pushed by
Start testing MediaStreamAudioSourceNode in WPT. r=karlt,pehrsons
Implement the correct behaviour for MediaStreamAudioSource.  r=karlt,pehrsons
Upstream PR was closed without merging
Pushed by
Start testing MediaStreamAudioSourceNode in WPT. r=karlt,pehrsons
Implement the correct behaviour for MediaStreamAudioSource.  r=karlt,pehrsons
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla69
Regressions: 1560323
Flags: needinfo?(padenot)
Regressions: 1560251

For documentation purposes, this is related to the addition of MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode -- its main purpose is to specify what the "first" audio track is. Among other things, see this blog post:

Please see above comment.

Flags: needinfo?(padenot)

James, what is the process to sort out the problem in comment 16? I've done a fix to the test. I believe it should pass in Firefox now. Chrome does not have the feature yet, it's supposed to fail there.

Flags: needinfo?(padenot) → needinfo?(james)

Sorry, I was on PTO. Where's the test fix? You should be able to push it to the GitHub PR branch and we'll reland it in m-c once we downstream the PR. Or do you mean it was fixed in some other m-c push/bug?

Note that the Chrome problem is instability, not merely the test failing (which doesn't cause the CI to fail).

Flags: needinfo?(james) → needinfo?(padenot)

It was fixed in bug 1560251. The code is correct in Gecko, how should we proceed ?

Flags: needinfo?(padenot) → needinfo?(james)

Merge the upstream PR, which will allow that PR to apply and then end up with a fixed test upstream, I think. I'll do that.

Flags: needinfo?(james)

Documentation updates:

  • Added Exceptions section to the reference page for MediaStreamAudioSourceNode; listed the InvalidStateError that occurs if the stream has no audio tracks.
  • Added Usage notes section to the same page, explaining that the MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode node type is generally the better choice now, and why. Also includes a subsection explaining what the order of tracks is (sorted by ID using Unicode point ordering).
  • Updated Firefox 69 for developers
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